
English citations of moonbat

  • 2002 September 14, Perry de Havilland, “Barking moonbat”, in Libertarian Samizdata[1]:
    noun. Someone on the extreme edge of whatever their -ism happens to be.
  • 2005, Michele Malkin, Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild, Washington, DC: Regnery, →ISBN, page 108:
    So, what do moonbat professors do when they're not attacking military recruiters, the Bush administration, cameramen, and College Republicans?
  • 2006 May 11, Eric Boehlert, Lapdogs: How the Press Lay Down for the Bush White House, New York: Free Press, →ISBN, page 216:
    As nervous Bush supporters watched the president's approval rating slide, they unleashed their wrath on Sheehan, labeling the mourning mom a “crazy,” “anti-Semite,” “left-wing moonbat,” “crackpot” whose behavior bordered on “treasonous” and who was nothing more than a “hysterical noncombatant.”
  • 2006 September 3, William Safire, “Moon Bats & Wing Nuts”, in The New York Times Magazine[2]:
    But coiners can’t be choosers; when it comes to political Americanisms, usage determines meaning, and the overwhelming use of moonbat is in derogation of what used to be called “the loony left.”
  • 2007 June 12, Art Bulla, “Re: The Near Death Experience of Ella Jensen”, in[3] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
    Judgment from a Darwinist Moonbat? lol!
  • 2009 June 19, Paul Krugman, “The Froomkin firing”, The Conscience of a Liberal, in The New York Times[4]:
    And anyone who didn’t treat the right with great respect, who didn’t get with the program, was a flake, a moonbat.
  • 2009 October 13, Steve Eubanks, Downforce, New York: Harper, →ISBN, page 255:
    Your job is to separate the media from the moonbats before some industrious cub reporter starts looking into our land deal.
  • 2010 April 5, Countdown with Keith Olbermann[5], Keith Olbermann (actor), via MSNBC:
    There are no left-wing wingnuts. The left-wing equivalent is moonbats.
  • 2013 May 22, Jeff Dunetz, “Bill Nye Is Still The Weather Idiot Guy”, in The Lid[6]:
    So in the end Bill Nye the Weather Idiot Guy is a hypocrite just like most global warming moonbats.