
English citations of motherfuckerdom

Noun: "(slang, vulgar) the state or quality of being a motherfucker"

1999 2000 2009 2011 2012
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1999 May 6, The March Hare [username], “Re: Banned Clothing...”, in alt.folklore.urban[1] (Usenet):
    But I think they've just always had what my friend refers to as "a sense of bad-motherfuckerdom" about them.
  • 1999 June 17, Jakobius21 [username], “Re: why do they call them wisdom teeth if they don't make you any smarter?”, in alt.gothic[2] (Usenet):
    One of my morning rituals. You do it too, and soon, you will be a Badass Motherfucker like me.
    And then you'll be so arrogant and prideful that you'll walk on a sprained ankle for a week before admitting that it hurts. Badass Motherfuckerdom comes at a price. :)
  • 2000 June 1, Jamie Bowden, “Re: Suian's Pattern”, in rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan[3] (Usenet):
    But the thing that did it, that really put Bad Ass Motherfuckerdom out of reach, was the nuclear tipped Aes Sedai...
  • 2000, Stephen Lemons, "'American Pimps'", Salon, 26 July 2000:
    “Let me tell you, when I stopped pimpin’, I was real negative about quitting,” Rosebudd says. “I thought I was giving up being a motherfucker. Now to a hustler, being a motherfucker is what you strive for. So when someone says ‘Rosebudd’s a motherfucker,’ that’s the highest compliment you can get because they’ve run out of adjectives. I was depressed until I realized that I was not stopping being a motherfucker, I was stopping pimpin’. I just had to become a motherfucker in another arena.”
    The other arena in which Rosebudd, aka John Dickson, is aiming for motherfuckerdom is writing.
  • 2009, Jim Dawson, The Compleat Motherfucker: A History of the Mother of All Dirty Words, Feral House (2009), →ISBN, page 33:
    In a culture dependent upon oral traditions going back to the griots—tribal historians and genealogists—of Western Africa, the heroes of the toast were often the ultimate bad mammyjammers, the archetypes of motherfuckerdom.
  • 2011, Alex Pappademas, "Jay-Z King", GQ, December 2011:
    Take Watch the Throne, on which two grandiose motherfuckers explore the theme of grandiose-motherfuckerdom from vastly different perspectives, stacking dubstep on top of opera on top of Otis Redding, triumphalism on top of sorrow on top of more triumphalism, striving for a sound as vast and strange as the world they've come to inhabit.
  • 2012, Texjah, The Glorious Dead review, Rip It Up, Issue 1203, 30 August - 5 September 2012, page 16:
    There's no doubting the status of The Heavy being snuggly in the upper strata of Cool Motherfuckerdom.