
English citations of mysoped

Noun: "a sadistic pedophile"

1985 2007 2009 2010 2013
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1985, Adele Mayer, Sexual abuse: causes, consequences, and treatment of incestuous and pedophilic acts, Holmes Beach, FL: Learning Publications, →ISBN, page 24:
    He is the vicious child rapist, sometimes involved in sadomasochistic cults, who often mutilates and murders his victims, sometimes in ritualistic fashion. The term for this child hater is "mysoped" and his behavior is referred to as "mysopedic."
  • a. 2007, Thomas R. O'Connor, “Pedophiles”, in[1], archived from the original on 2006-08-25:
    (5) the SADISTIC pedophile. This subtype, also called a mysoped, stalks, mutilates, and in some cases, kills and cannibalizes their victim.
  • 2007, Gennaro F. Vito, Jeffrey R. Maahs, Ronald M. Holmes, “Emerging forms of violence”, in Criminology: theory, research, and policy, 2nd edition, Sudbury, MA [u.a.]: Jones and Bartlett, →ISBN, page 311:
    Although most pedophiles do not physically harm children, the mysoped makes the ritual connection between fatal sexual violence and personal gratification.51 This sadistic pedophile abducts children for the purpose of torturing and eventually killing them to achieve sexual gratification.
  • 2007, Vincent Cobb, Revelation, Hertford: M-Y Books, →ISBN, page 139:
    Our killer was a mysoped, a sadistic paedophile who put into practice his desire for sexual gratification and destructive violence.
  • 2009, Ronald M. Holmes, Stephen T. Holmes, “Pedophilia and psychological profiling”, in Profiling violent crimes: an investigative tool, 4th edition, Thousand Oaks, CA [u.a.]: SAGE, →ISBN, pages 177–178:
    The mysoped will often abduct a child from places where children gather: [] He will usually not attempt to seduce or otherwise induce the child to go with him; he simply takes the child by force. The abduction is followed by a scenario that includes pain inflicted upon the child, followed by the child's death.¶
    This type of pedophile has no real sexual interest in children in the traditional sense, although he may sexually abuse them.
  • 2010, Katherine M Ramsland, Patrick Norman McGrain, “Child molesters and family predators”, in Inside the minds of sexual predators, Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, →ISBN, page 39:
    The first is the mysoped. These pedophiles are interested in molesting and sexually abusing their child victims because they want to physically harm them.
  • 2013 June 7, Michael Sadgrove, “tweet”, in[2], archived from the original on 2015-05-17:
    Traced Misopedia, & mysoped for violent paedophile. Since any kind of child abuse is a form of violence, wouldn't mysoped do?