
(Redirected from Citations:neopantheism)
  1. A revived or reconceived variation of pantheism, the belief that the Universe is sacred and should be revered; a modern form of pantheism.
    • Recent - G. Zeinelde Jordan [1]
      Spong has jettisoned all of Christianity and replaced it with his mentor Paul Tillich's Ground of Being which is basically neo-pantheism
    • 2005, Bill Thierfelder, "Wordsworth's Ode: Intimations of Immortality, Shakespeare's The Tempest 5.1, and Vaughan's The Retreat", The Explicator, p. 136(3) Vol. 63 No. 3 ISSN: 0014-4940:
      Wordsworth replaces the neoplatonic view of Vaughan's speaker that the world and flesh pollute the spirit that was once part of God with a kind of neopantheism that sees God everywhere, especially in nature, and a belief that we can "rekindle" that celebration of truth.
    • 2002, Bruce Clarke, Linda Dalrymple Hendersonm From Energy to Information: Representation in Science and Technology, Art and Literature, p. 112:
      Science perhaps never slid as far into neo-pantheism and neo-nihilism as Kelvin feared, and many physicists (and others) retained their confidence in the ether well into the 1920s and 1930s.
    • 1986, Keith W. Clements, The theology of Ronald Gregor Smith, 104:
      When, as a student he first encountered Buber, Gregor Smith was not yet out of his neo-Pantheist, "Wordsworthian" phase.
    • 1958, Von Ogden Vogt, The Primacy of Worship, p. 23:
      You may, if you choose, regard yourself as a neo-pantheist and take the whole of life to be your God.
    • 1934 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, "How I Believe", reprinted in Christianity and Evolution (2002), p. 121:
      [A] preliminary examination is sufficient to reduce possible types of belief to three. The group of Eastern religions, the humanist neopantheisms, and Christianity.
    • 1917, August Karl Reischauer Studies in Japanese Buddhism - Page 232
      This neo-pantheism differs from the old Oriental pantheism in that it puts a greater value upon the physical universe ...
    • 1917, Durant Drake, "The God of the Future is in the Making", Current Opinion, p. 246:
      This neo-pantheism is wide-spread enough to induce one of our leading publishing houses to reprint Seeley's "Natural Religion," a treatise once famous but lately out of print.
    • 1912, Mary Fisher, A Valiant Woman: A Contribution to the Educational Problem, p. 242:
      Neither the God of the old Pantheism nor that of the neo-pantheism of Froebel is the all-seeing, all-loving Father to whom the weary and the suffering turn for rest and consolation.
    • 1906, Alfred William Benn, The History of English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Century, p. 244:
      Aristotle's Absolute had personality without will; the Absolute of German neo-pantheism has, or rather is, will without personality; for originally it is without self-consciousness.
    • 1838 - Nicholas Patrick Wiseman, ed., The Dublin Review (1838) p. 353:
      The founders of Neo-Pantheism... have no wish for a moment to depreciate the world that has gone before them; and, therefore, not that portion of it which, though they know it not, still subsists in pristine strength, and will alone survive the coming catastrophe!