
English: verb

  • 2008, “Smarter than a 12th grader? Fun puzzles.”, in[1] (Usenet):
    Anyways, the Science Olympiad is nerd sniping at its finest, but they only get 50 minutes
  • 2016, “usecases of void foo(char **b) {}”, in comp.lang.c[2] (Usenet):
    The "sorry" was for the off-topic rant. A reliable way to nerd-snipe me is to mention "flying cars".
  • 2017, Y. F. Afsar, System Building, Two Ways[3], thesis submitted to Princeton University, page xii:
    Your particular affinity for being nerdsniped [...] ensured that we got to the bottom of many of things.
  • 2018, A. Sandberg, “Space races: settling the universe fast”, in Future of Humanity Institute report[4], University of Oxford, page 14:
    Nick Bostrom ”nerd-sniped” me with the original question and some of the game-theory issues.
  • 2018, H. Nieminen, The process by which users become active knowledge contributors in programming‐focused online communities, thesis submitted to University of Jyväskylä, page 48:
    In short ”nerd sniping” means that people who are prone to being ”nerd sniped” will stop anything they are doing at the time if they are presented with an interesting problem to solve, and will instead start working on solving the problem.
  • 2019, K. V. Moreland, Validation of a Form Based Mutual Aid Agreement Tool for Use by Bus-Centric Transportation Agencies[5], thesis submitted to Clemson University, page v:
    Finally, boundless appreciation goes to my nerd-sniped friend [...] for learning a new coding language when I could not figure it out.
  • 2020, E. J. Davis, Engineering and Imaging Nonlocal Spin Dynamics in an Optical Cavity[6], thesis submitted to Stanford University, page vi:
    I have especially enjoyed our daily lunches on the patio and our discussions of physics, despite the danger of getting nerd-sniped.
  • 2020, G. Bravo-Hermsdorff, Quantifying Human Priors over Abstract Relational Structures[7], thesis submitted to Princeton University, page v:
    (also that he got as “nerd-sniped” by graphs as I did!)
  • 2021, A. R. Bennett, Applications of Information Theory and Machine Learning for Hydrologic Modeling[8], thesis submitted to University of Washington, page x:
    To all the above for being able to nerd-snipe me repeatedly.
  • 2021, C. I. Ostrove, Entanglement in Superconducting Heterostructures, and Quantum Circuit Simulation Hardware[9], thesis submitted to University of Texas at Austin, page vi:
    Be it via board game nights, late-night nerd sniping, or general commiseration, you’ve all helped make these past seven years memorable and fun.
  • 2021, “Palindromic date”, in alt.usage.english[10] (Usenet):
    First, let me say that I didn't mean to nerdsnipe you.

English: noun

  • 2021, F. Yang, Imaging Nematic Domains in Barium Iron Arsenide Using a Scanning Quantum Cryogenic Atom Microscope[11], thesis submitted to Stanford University, page vi:
    his precision nerd-snipes that never fail to brighten my day