
English citations of non-apology and nonapology

fake apology

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2007 August 31, Gil Kaufman, “Michael Vick, Senator Craig Prove That Sometimes 'Sorry' Really Is The Hardest Word”, in MTV News[1]:
    And, between Vick's verbose apology and Craig's non-apology, it's hard to know what to make of the strange sight of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who resigned on Monday after months of intense heat calling for his ouster.
  • 2007 December 14, Katharine Q. Seelye, “Apologies From the Heart (of Darkness?)”, in New York Times[2]:
    "These are nonapology apologies," said Larry J. Sabato, a University of Virginia political scientist.
  • 2008 September 1, Mark Lieberman, “The art of the (non-) apology”, in Language Log[3]:
  • 2011, Linguistic Politeness Research Group, editor, Discursive Approaches to Politeness, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, →ISBN, page 215:
    However, even with these perceived deficits, Blair's statement was still viewed as having performative force – it was considered a partial apology not a non-apology.
  • 2012 March 4, Enigma, “Ignatius Reilly Issues Notpology”, in Post-Modern Enlightenment[4]:
    Once Reilly realized that he'd crossed this line with his sponsors, he stepped up to the plate like a responsible adult, admitted his mistake, said he was sorry for saying these reprehensible things, and offered to have her on his show so they could discuss the issue like reasonable adults gave a classic non-apology:
  • 2012 March 4, Martha (comment), “Rush Limbaugh Issues Statement Regarding His 3-Day Misogynistic Attack On Sandra Fluke”, in Media Matters for America[5]:
    We, the Women of America, are sincerely sorry we cannot accept your whining, claiming-to-be-the-victim non-apology.