
English citations of non-shipper

Noun: "(fandom slang) one who does not have any ships or does not support a particular ship"

1999 2001 2013 2015 2016 2017
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1999, Darcy Rice, "An Advocate of Perfection", Orange Coast Magazine, June 1999, page 38:
    The non-shipppers are those fans who are opposed to Ham and Mac having a relationship.
  • 2001, "Amblin", quoted in Christine A. Wooley, "Visible Fandom: Reading The X-Files Through X-Philes", Journal of Film and Video, Volume 53, Number 4, Winter 2001-2002, page 40:
    Carter knows about the debate raging amongst the various shipper/non-shipper camps.
  • 2013, Leora Hadas, "Resisting the romance: ‘Shipping’ and the discourse of genre uniqueness in Doctor Who fandom", European Journal of Cultural Studies, Volume 16, Issue 3 (2013), page 337:
    In these terms, Ten/Rose has a highly privileged position among Doctor Who pairings, and it seems that this position exactly engenders a powerful resistance to it among non-shippers.
  • 2015, Rebecca Williams, Post-Object Fandom: Television, Identity and Self-narrative, page 108:
    Given that the final season of The West Wing itself officially sanctioned the relationship, non-shippers could no longer rely upon the ambiguity of producers' statements as 'evidence' to verify that the romance existed only in the minds of shippers.
  • 2015, Matthew Raymond Holowienka, "Fan Practices And Doctor Who: 'Nu Who,' Fan Works, And Shipping", thesis submitted to Saint Peter's University, page 19:
    Because Hadas (2009) discovered a divide among shippers and non-shippers on LiveJournal, these questions served to investigate if that same divide existed on Tumblr.
  • 2016, Jaquelin Elliott, "Becoming The Monster: Queer Monstrosity and the Reclamation of the Werewolf in Slash Fandom", Revenant, Issue 2 (2016), page 99:
    The cast accepts questions concerning Sterek and they even joke about it but when the show airs the only signs of Sterek are interactions between Stiles and Derek that non-shippers don’t pay attention to.
  • 2017, Kinga Kowalska, "Embodied Soulmarks and Social Expectations: The Materialization of Romantic Love in Soulmate AU Fanfiction", in The Materiality of Love: Essays on Affection and Cultural Practice (eds. Anna Malinowska & Michael Gratzke), page 216:
    In many cases, though, such stories make little sense to non-‘shippers’ (fans who do not see the characters as compatible) and require at least minimal knowledge of the ‘fanon’ (fan canon or fan-established recurring motifs) behind a particular pairing.