
English citations of oppugnances

Noun: pl. of oppugnance ("aversion; opposition")

1790 1846 1850 1888 1902 1913 1913
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1790, Apostolical Conceptions of God, Appendix, page 17:
    That the divinely begotten filial personage should […] call forth into existence an universe of creatures not only separate and distinct from each other but creatures of innumerable contrarieties, discriminations, and oppugnances […] is a fact yielding [etc.]
  • 1846, tr. Emanuel Swedenborg, Heavenly Arcana, vol. X., chapter XVII., page 271:
    hence oppugnances between the spheres.
  • 1850 April 6, “News of the Week”, in The Spectator, volume 23, number 1136, page 313:
    the author has said as much that is pleasant as possible, and as little that is disagreeable,—displaying Lord John's reforming services, making no mention of his shortcomings, backslidings, or oppugnances to popular advancement; […]
  • 1888, Nathaniel Holmes, Realistic Idealism in Philosophy Itself, volume II., Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., page 72:
    A machine-philosopher will try to imagine some sort of mechanical forces, attractions, repulsions, oppugnances, resistances, chemical affinities, electric stresses, or other occult powers, [that are at work in all living beings]
  • 1902, Edward A. Ross, “Recent Tendencies in Sociology”, in The Quarterly Journal of Economics, volume 16, page 557:
    Time, that leveller that tumbles the earthwork into the trench and fills the moat with the ruins of the castle wall, wears down the sharp oppugnances of races, and turns the cliffs and chasms of the conquest régime into the gentle declivities of the competitive society.
  • 1913, Horace M. Kallen, William James and Henri Bergson, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, published 1914, page 4:
    Thus the unity of the world is incompatible with the freedom of the will, the freedom of the will with the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, and well-disposed God. Individual immortality is oppugnant to cosmic unity, and cosmic unity to theistic divinity. These oppugnances, coupled with the mind's natural demand for logical consistency, have given rise to the typical philosophic "problems," […]
  • 1913, Horace M. Kallen, William James and Henri Bergson, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, published 1914, page 8:
    The logical implications of premise and consequence were in fact of greater importance to him [sc. Hume] than the actual oppugnances and counter-implications of experience.