
English citations of oriental

  • 1776, Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
    It is in Ecclesiasticus and the Wisdom of Solomon that we trace the influence of Oriental philosophy rather than that of Platonism.
  • 1996, Peter Vine, Natural Emirates: Wildlife and Environment of the United Arab Emirates
    An extract of oil beetles known as cantharides was once used in Western medicine to treat a whole range of maladies, but is now-discredited although still prescribed in Oriental medicine.

Portuguese citations of oriental

  • 2014, Luísa F. Habigzang, Eva Diniz, Silvia H. Koller, Trabalhando com Adolescentes: Teoria e Intervenção Psicológica, AMGH Editora, →ISBN, page 125:
    Os otakus não só incorporam diversos termos japoneses a sua fala como também se inspiram e são influenciados por características orientais em outras atividades, como o cosplay.
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)