
French citations of orignac

1603, Samuel de Champlain, Des Sauvages, ou Voyage de Samuel de Champlain[1], page 5:
Apres qu’il eust acheué ſa harangue, nous ſortiſmes de ſa Cabanne, & eux commencerent à faire leur Tabagie, ou feſtin, qu’ils font auec des chairs d’Orignac, qui est cõme bœuf, d’Ours, de Loumarins & Caſtors
After he finished his speech, we went out of the cottage, and they began to prepare their tabagie or feast, which they made from moose meat, which is like beef, and meat from bears, seals and beavers
1683, Allain Manesson Mallet, Description de l'univers[2], volume 5, page 280:
On trouve dans les Forests du Canada quantité d’Orignacs, d’Ours, de Loups Cerviers, & de Lapins blancs & noirs;
In the forests of Canada are found quantities of moose, bears, lynx & white & black rabbits