
English citations of paederastia

Noun: ""

1901 1927
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1901, an Oxford M.A. (pseud. of unknown), The plague of lust: being a history of venereal disease in classical antiquity [] , from the 6th unabridged German edition, Paris: C. Carrington, translation of Geschichte der Lustseuche im Alterthume: nebst ausführlichen Untersuchungen über den Venus- und Phalluskultus, Bordelle, Nousos thelēia der Skythen, Paederastie und andere geschlechtliche Ausschweifungen der Alten, [] by Julius Rosenbaum, →OCLC, pages 117–119:
    Just as was the case with the cult of Venus in that country, so the "love of boys" assumed quite a different form in Greece. As Paedophilia (Affection for boys) it took rank as one of the means of education, being consecrate to the heavenly Eros, while Paederastia (Carnal love of boys) fell to the province of the common Eros. Down to quite modern times Paedophilia has been confounded with Paederastia, [] the two things approached very near each other; still Paederastia was never approved by the Greeks1. At Sparta the violation of boys was punished by loss of civil rights, exile or death 1, and it was the same at Athens, [] The fact that the laws relating to this offence were promulgated at Athens only after the time of Solon shows that paederastia, as well as brothels, did not come into use there till about that time. []
  • 1927, Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 (of 6)[1]:
    Bethe, who has written a valuable study of Dorian paiderastia, states that the Dorians admitted a kind of homosexual marriage, and even had a kind of boy-marriage by capture, the scattered vestiges of this practice indicating, Bethe believes, that it was a general custom among the Dorians before the invasion of Greece.

Further reading
