
English citations of paravale

  • 1723, Henry Spelman, The English Works of Sir Henry Spelman, K. Publish'd in His Life-time, Together with His Posthumous Works, Relating to the Laws and Antiquities of England, page 10:
    Tenant in Capite, Tenant in Menalty, and Tenant Paravale, or at least, Tenant in Capite and Tenant Paravale, which inferiour. Tenants could not be in the Saxons time, for that the granting of Feuds in perpetuity (out of which []
  • 1851, Vincent Scully (the Elder), The Irish Land Question, with Practical Plans for an Improved Land Tenure, and a New Land System, page 194:
    lord, its tenant in capite, tenant in mesnalty, and tenant paravale. If the great landowner, or tenant in capite, has now become the lord paramount, and been released from his former state of feudal subjection to his sovereign []
  • 1739, Nathaniel Bacon, John Selden, An Historical and Political Discourse of the Laws and Government of England: From the First Times to the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. With a Vindication of the Antient Way of Parliaments in England, page 114:
    ... whenas by these principally, not only all degrees were united and made dependant from the Lord paramont to the Tenant paravale, but especially the Clergy with the Laity upon the Crown; without which, a strange metamorphosis in []