Citations:peak trans

English citations of peak trans, peak-trans, and peaktrans

Verb: "(gender-critical) to cause one to adopt gender-critical or trans-exclusionary views"

2017 2018 2019
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2017 January 15, GoodyGal (@HelthethranwanenLVZ), Twitter[1]:
    I owe you a lot India. It was your shocking behaviour post Woman's Hour that Peak Transed me.
  • 2017 December 3, HelenXX (@HelenLVZ), Twitter[2]:
    Mumsnet has probably peak-transed more women than anything else in the UK, a few brilliant women spotted what was coming years ago
  • 2017 December 15, WorldGoneMad (@GenderfreeCamp), Twitter[3]:
    Yes. I've peaktransed my entire work place.
  • 2017 December 22, Lizbeth Sophia (@XXnowalways), Twitter[4]:
    Mumsnet peak transed me
  • 2018 December 21, Prism (@ialika_lifina), Twitter[5]:
    TERFs are obsessed with 'peak transing' cis people the same way MRAs are obsessed with 'red pilling' men.
  • 2018 September 28, Joss Prior(@joss_prior), Twitter[6]:
    So whats happened this week in trans-world, remember according to terfs they are peak-transing the world, the tide is turning.
  • 2018 December 21, LadyBunbury (@BunburyLady), Twitter[7]:
    TRAs doing a great job of peak-transing people.
  • 2019 February 20, helena (@lacroicsz), Twitter[8]:
    after i detransitioned i bought a judith butler book to try to "understand my gender identity" and i never read it but i feel like if i did i would have peak transed way faster
  • 2019 June 25, Autumnsdance (@Autumnsdance), Twitter[9]:
    Just peak transed my whole table at a domestic abuse training event.
  • 2019 December 19, TAFKAMacM (@TAFKAMacM), Twitter[10]:
    I peaktransed two people at today's ex-colleague Christmas lunch. By reading out the Fortstater ruling
  • 2019 December 27, 'Elliot' grease fire phoenix (@freqdec), Twitter[11]:
    Spent Christmas in Ireland peaktransing the entire family.

Noun: "(gender-critical) the moment when a person feels motivated to adopt gender-critical or anti-transgender views"

2018 2020 2021
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  • 2018, "GenderCriticalDad", "'I'm Not A Hideously Bigoted Parent Who Doesn't 'Get' It'", in Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body (eds. Heather Brunskell-Evans & Michele Moore), page 81:
    Please god let her [the author's daughter] peak trans be as painless as possible.
  • 2020, Kaitlyn Tiffany, "The Secret Internet of TERFs", The Atlantic, 8 December 2020:
    In a practice carried over from Reddit, members are encouraged to share their conversion stories, which they confusingly call their “peak trans” moments.
  • 2021, Katie Roche, 2+2=5: How The Transgender Craze is Redefining Reality, page 2:
    Gender critical feminists often talk about hitting 'peak trans'- the moment when you realize the truth about transgenderism. Here's my peak trans story.

Noun: "(gender-critical) the state of trans identities or 'gender ideology' being at maximum cultural extent"

2014 2016 2017
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  • 2014 October 29, snowflakeespecial, Tumblr[12]:
    Peak trans x 1,000,000.
  • 2015, "unrestricteduncensoredandunleashed", comment posted on "San Francisco company selling 'packers' for trans boys, ages 4 and up", 4thWaveNow (blog), 26 September 2015:
    This is uber-peak trans. I am convinced most humans would be appalled by this. Share it widely and maybe some journalist will actually take a critical look. Maybe.
  • 2015, "Nicky", comment posted on "San Francisco company selling 'packers' for trans boys, ages 4 and up", 4thWaveNow (blog), 27 September 2015:
    So when will Peak trans hit society. If this doesn’t hit society with Peak Trans, then I don’t know what else will it take to give society the Peak trans moment.
  • 2016, Louise France, "Transgender children", The Times (UK), 5 November 2016:
    At the same time there is another group gaining ground: people who argue that we are at “peak trans”, that we’re living in a sexualised culture within which there is enormous pressure on children to fit gender stereotypes and where being trans has become a glamorous “lifestyle choice”.
  • 2017, Helen Rumbelow, "The doctor who helps kids to change gender", The Times (UK), 20 September 2017:
    By contrast, some believe that our society hitting “peak trans” is in fact teenage girls reacting against the expectations of modern womanhood in the age of selfies and online porn.