English citations of peraia

  • 2010 July 29, Christy Constantakopoulou, The Dance of the Islands: Insularity, Networks, the Athenian Empire, and the Aegean World, OUP Oxford, →ISBN, page 244:
    ... peraia were flexible: for example, it is possible that the area around Caunus at various times belonged to the incorporated peraia. The subject peraia, on the other hand, reached a wider area and included parts of Caria, Lycia, and the []
  • 2019 April 25, Aneurin Ellis-Evans, The Kingdom of Priam: Lesbos and the Troad Between Anatolia and the Aegean, →ISBN, page 178:
    ... peraia as a gift in the sixth century, and therefore did not follow the “normal” route of occupation and control ... peraia of Rhodes extended well beyond the coastal strip opposite the island. As these two examples indicate, cities []
  • 2024 April 30, Paul Cartledge, Paul Christesen, The Oxford History of the Archaic Greek World: Volume I: Argos to Corcyra, Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 324:
    ... peraia, as is evident from the extended hostilities between Mytilene and Athens over Sigeum . The Mytileneans ... peraia varied spatially and temporally . The coastline immediately opposite Mytilene was a direct agri- cultural []
  • 1981, Albert I. Baumgarten, The Phoenician History of Philo of Byblos: A Commentary, Brill Archive, →ISBN, page 206:
    ... peraia." (817: 5-9).150 But this is uncertain; Stephanus also gives s.v. Рeraia, поλízνiov Lupias, “a small town in Syria," "The peraia" is not a place name but a common noun (as is indicated by the article and the []
  • 2000, Classica Et Mediaevalia:
    ... peraia is some times even used to denote just any region that was claimed or possessed by a state . For instance, Miletos and Magnesia by the Maeander quarreled over, and subsequently divided between them, the peraia (SIG3 588) []
  • 2004 November 11, Mogens Herman Hansen, Thomas Heine Nielsen, An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis, OUP Oxford, →ISBN, page 1030:
    ... peraia were acquired, and whether all were simultaneously held, is not clear. The terminus ante quem for Mytilene's acquisition of at least part of its peraiais the dispute between Mytilene and Athens over Sigeion in C7l–C6e (Hdt. 5.95 []
  • 2023 June 8, Zeynep Koçel Erdem, Reyhan Şahin, Thrace through the Ages: Pottery as Evidence for Commerce and Culture from Prehistoric Times to the Islamic Period, Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, →ISBN, page 73:
    ... peraia (the coast across from the island) one is impressed by the quantity of black- and red-figure published cups, originating up to date mainly from sanctuaries  []