
English citations of plantation


1625 1629 1871
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1625, Samuel Purchas, “The Jesuites gleanings in Africa to Christian Religion, gathered out of their owne writings”, in Pvrchas His Pilgrimes[1], volume IX, London, →OCLC, page 263:
    The King of Beni, the Lord of seven Kingdomes hath written to mee for Baptisme : but I cannot forsake these two Kings till I have other helpe. This Countrey is as healthfull as any I ever came in, and Sierra Leona would be a fit place for a plantation of the Society : for which King Philip wrote to the Catholike King, offering a place to erect a Fort, and commending the largenesse, wholsomnesse, and fertilitie of his Countrey.
  • 1629, John Parkinson, “The Garden of pleaſant Flowers”, in Paradisi in sole Paradisus Terrestris[2], London: Hvmfrey Lownes and Robert Yovng, →OCLC, page 357:
    All theſe Bell-flowers do grow in our Gardens, where they are cheriſhed for the beautie of their flowers. The Couentry Bels doe not grow wilde in any of the parts about Couentry, as I am credibly informed by a faithfull Apothecary dwelling there, called Maſter Brian Ball, but are nouriſhed in Gardens with them, as they are in other places. The laſt groweth neere the riuer of Canada, where the French plantation in America is ſeated.
  • 1887 [1871 June 14], Charles Wesley Tuttle, “Memoir of Capt. John Mason”, in Capt. John Mason, the Founder of New Hampshire[3], Boston: Prince Society, →OCLC, page 6:
    Capt. John Maſon, a young and enterpriſing man, had been in Newfoundland as governor of the plantation made there in 1611, and was now returned into England. He immediately joined Gorges in ſettling New England, and their joint enterpriſe ſucceeded.