See also: Citations:Platt

English citations of platt

Noun: alt form of plat: plot, design, scheme

plot, scheme
  • 1598 May 11, a letter from George Nicolson, quoted in Calendar of the State Papers Relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603: Preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, and Elsewhere in England, volume 13, issue 1 (1969), page 208:
    Edinburgh, 11 May 1598. Signed: George Nicolson. Postscript. I hear her Majesty has written something in her letter to the King as confessed by Mr. Ed: Bruce, thereby moving some suspicion here towards him with the King, who (as I am honestly and quietly told) bears that one Valentyne should be taken and have confessed that the King had some "platt" against her Majesty and your lordship, which her Majesty should keep close []
  • c. 1600, a letter, quoted in Calendar of the State Papers Relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547-1603: Preserved in the Public Record Office, the British Museum, and Elsewhere in England, volume 13, issue 1 (1969), page 344:
    The Master of Glamis who was judged to have had some “platt" still in hand for some alteration and was charged off the town has now obtained leave I hear to come to the town and follow his adoes and that “platt” is now thought broken utterly.
plot of land, architectural plot; map, design
  • 1545 January 5, letter, printed in the Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII →ISBN:
    [] Thos. Wyat and Sir Thos. Palmer, caused Giles, the King's servant, to draw a platt to be sent by Rogiers.
  • 1993, John Summerson, Architecture in Britain, 1530 to 1830 →ISBN, volume 3, page 46:
    Five years earlier [than 1552, i.e. in 1547], Warde had supplied a ‘platt’ to Sir William Cavendish for Chatsworth, so he appears to have been a mason of some experience.

Noun: plate?

  • 1716 December 6, letter from Mrs Skipwith to Mrs Ayscough at Mr Barrisfords in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, printed in Notes and Queries, seventh series volume 1, 1888 November 17, page 381:
    I cannot give you a juist account what fortins mr Chaumont leaff his children: hauing no house nor lands: a good many pictuers: some platt.