Citations:press F to pay respects

English citations of press F to pay respects

Phrase: "(Internet slang) used to convey that sympathy, recognition, or credit should be given"

2018 2019 2020
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2018, Tobias Soar, "Review Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4", The Mancunion (University of Manchester), 22 October 2018, page 19:
    Activision clearly wanted a slice of the Royale pie; prompting two massive changes to the game's core: they did away with the staple yet overdone cinematic campaign (press “F” to pay respects) and replaced it with Blackout, the franchise's very own Battle Royale.
  • 2018, Blake Aued, "Give the People What They Want", Flagpole, 26 December 2018 - 2 January 2019, page 6:
    The sundry restaurant comings and goings that made our digital readers press F to pay respects will be covered by food critic Hillary Brown in her year-end wrap-up in the Jan. 9 issue.
  • 2019, "Off The Record", The Student Life (Claremont Colleges), 29 March 2019, page 6:
    Press F to pay respects to friends who have midterms this week.
  • 2019, Charlotte Colombo, "A New Chapter!", Wessex Scene (University of Southampton), September 2019, page 2:
    Whether you're reading this as an escape from the buzz of events or found it discarded on a chair somewhere (press F to pay respects), let me take this opportunity to give you a warm welcome to Southampton.
  • 2019, "For the Record: A Message from Your YUSU President-In-Exile", The Lemon Press (University of York), Issue 42 (2019), page 25:
    Of course, all of this has nothing on the YUSU bars campaign to kill alcoholic beverage after alcoholic beverage, so I call upon all my supports to press F to pay respects to Carlsberg and Strongbow Dark Fruits, which now join Stella Artois in Drink Heaven.
  • 2019, Petrana Radulovic, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is getting even more DLC fighters, pray for Waluigi[1]:
    Super Smash Bros. Ultimate already boasts an impressive roster of Nintendo characters (sans Waluigi, press F to pay respects).
  • 2020, Muhammet Cakiroglu, "After the holiday", Insider (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences), 6 March 2020, page 3:
    He actually works very hard to write all these good reviews so he doesn't lose his spot on writing the movie reviews. Press F to pay your Respect[sic].