Citations:r rotunda

English citations of r rotunda

  • 1883, Isaac Taylor, The Alphabet, page 188:
    In the earlier minuscule we find z, which, to avoid confusion with ꝛ, a rounded form of r called r rotunda, gave place to 𝔷 or ꝣ, a form surviving in the cedilla (ç) which is a 'little zed,' as the name implies.
  • 1891, Chambers's Encyclopaedia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge, page 539, entry "R":
    For the lapidary and capital forms the old R has been retained, but in minuscule writing we use r and ꝛ, the first of which is an uncial form derived from R; the second, called the r rotunda, coming from the old Roman cursive, in which the vertical stroke of R has nearly disappeared, being represented only by the small tag at the top of ꝛ.

German citations of r rotunda

  • 2006 July 3, Klaus Scholl, “Re: [ANN] Mit der Europatastatur in fast allen europäischen Sprachen schreiben -”, in de.etc.sprache.misc[1] (Usenet):
    Nicht schlecht, besonders die Fraktur-Fähigkeit. ¶ Bin auch erstaunt, da ich das "tironische r" bisher für ein "r rotunda" gehalten hatte. ¶ Man lernt nicht aus!
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Italian citations of r rotunda

  • 2008 August 2, [Lnz] [username], “Re: Quando si e' iniziato a scrivere le esse come delle effe ?”, in it.cultura.linguistica[2] (Usenet):
    A titolo di curiostà un'altra lettera interessante per i paleografi è la r rotunda, (simile un po' a un 2) utilizzata nel medioevo dopo la lettera "o".
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Latin citations of r rotunda

  • 1423, Johannes Carlerius de Gersono, Quedam regule de modo titulandi seu apificandi pro novellius scriptoribus copulate, page 16:
    Item hec littera r longa seu recta ubique poni potest scilicet in principiis dictionum in media et in fine et post omnes litteras exeptis sex litteris vel septem videlicet b. d. h. o. p. v. et y. post quas non debet poni r longa sed r rotunda Exemplum ut bꝛavium ydꝛia [ihꝛsin ?] simu[la]chꝛum oꝛbis oꝛtus pꝛemo pꝛatum uꝛtica uꝛgeo yꝛis etc