Citations:rage boner

English citations of rage boner

Noun: "(slang, vulgar) an intense state of anger or hatred, especially toward someone or something"

2010 2012 2015
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2010, Kevin O'Brien, response to letter to the editor, Union Weekly (California State University, Long Beach), Volume 67, Issue 3, 13 September 2010, page 2:
    It doesn't give me a rage boner.
  • 2012, Chris Stamm, "Upper Extremities #32: Emotional Rescue", Willamette Week, 29 March 2012:
    His nasal whine and reflective tenderness killed every righteous rage boner I’d worked up during Chris Hannah’s more aggressive tunes, and if there’s anything a sixteen year-old vegan with really bad acne hates, it’s a deflating rage boner.
  • 2012, Sean Conboy, "There Will Be Blood", Pittsburgh Magazine, 7 December 2012:
    Since these are bitter, polarized, flame-baiting times (in The Year of Our Perpetual Rage Boner), I’ll let you fill in the empty spaces about which entrenched ideology was to blame for the extended strike.
  • 2015, Lee Bond, Foreign Devil, unnumbered page:
    Learning that the Portsiders were badass gangsters was all very well and good, but nowhere did Garth see anything that could explain their sudden rage boner for one measly Offworlder.