
English citations of residueless

Adjective: "leaving no residue"

1908 1923 1952 1957 1977 1989 1990 2008
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1908 — Paul Dahlke, Buddhist Essays, page 309-310:
    To his pointed question: "Where does the residueless, total annihilation of the four elements take place?" he received the following answer. "Go, O monk, and put your question to the Exalted One. As the Exalted One shall explain it, so believe."
  • 1923 — M. P. Gregory, "Complete Gasification", The Gas World, Volume 77, page 126:
    M. Gregory gave a thorough-going discussion of residueless gas from the point of view of (1) its thermic value ; (2) the amount of gas made ; and (3) its availability under the conditions prevailing in France.
  • 1952Béla Balázs, Theory of the Film: Character and Growth of a New Art, page 182:
    This great ease, and especially the utterly complete, residueless, precise solutions it permitted, would in themselves have sufficed to destroy all artistic credit of such a playing with form.
  • 1957Jayachamaraja Wodeyar, Dattātreya: The Way and the Goal, page 206:
    How can I aver of this spotless one that is the residue of a residueless entity?
  • 1977 — Lászlo Jakucs, Morphogenetics of Karst Regions: Variants of Karst Evolution, page 78:
    In general, any monomineralic rock deposited from aqueous solution is capable of total, residueless dissolution in water.
  • 1989 — Jean Starobinkski, The Living Eye, page 160:
    In the case of Hamlet, who has the three-dimensional character of a living person rather than the opaque, residueless plenitude of a psychic image […]
  • 1990Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Epistomology of the Closet, chapter 4, page 209:
    If one is to avoid the Barrie-ism of describing May Bartram in terms that reduce her perfectly to the residueless sacrifice John Marcher makes to his Beast, it might be by inquiring into the difference of the paths of her own desire.
  • 2008Alessandro Ferrara, The Force of the Example: Explorations in the Paradigm of Judgment, chapter 1, page 18:
    If we assume that, in a philosophical context where the human subject is supposed to be intersubjectively constituted by web of relations that necessarily have to have a culturally local anchoring, principles and laws cannot do the old trick of allowing the residueless subsumption of all particulars, as if culture and social relations of recognition were just a colorful addition to a subject whose making is best accounted for in naturalistic or transcendental terms, […]