
English citations of richsplain and rich-splain

Verb: "(informal, derogatory) to explain to a poor person (as a middle-class or wealthy person) in a condescending manner, presuming the listener's inferior understanding"

2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2014, Marjorie Wood, "Wealthy are simply misunderstood", The Scott County Record, 30 October 2014, page 5:
    In a recent viral article with the self-evident headline What the Middle Class Doesn't Understand About Rich People, Siebold suggests that working Americans should stop making "empty statements" about their billionaire employers and instead take a lesson from them.
    Call it "richsplaining."
  • 2016, Barbara Ludwiczak, "'What is the cry even of the Canadians?': Resistance towards Imperial Paternalism and US 'braggadocio' in Anthony Trollope’s North America", TransCanadiana: Polish Journal of Canadian Studies, Issue 8 (2016), page 191:
    It should also be acknowledged that Trollope “richsplains” to the Canadians but not to his English readers, who come from the upper or middle classes.
  • 2017, Karoliina Hovi, "Fashion Mending: Future scenarios of sustainable fashion in Finland in 2035", thesis submitted to Aalto University, page 109:
    However, to my ears, these suggestions sound like richsplaining, a term that can be described as a wealthy person explaining to a poorer in a condescending and/or patronizing way.
  • 2018, Anand Giridharadas, quoted in Erica Moody, "Enabling Inequality", Washington Life Magazine, October 2018, page 45:
    In this period of declining mobility and the American dream falling out of people's reach, rich people generally responded by richsplaining to them that all was well, that you were wrong about your own reality, things were getting better and you just had to sit down and shut up and lean in.
  • 2019, Judith C. Bridges, "[X]splaininggender, race, class, and body: Metapragmatic disputes of linguistic authority and ideologies on Twitter, Reddit, and Tumblr", thesis submitted to the University of South Florida, page 176:
    Another example from Reddit comes from a post linking to a video clip of political talk-show host Bill Maher, titled “Bill Maher richsplains liberalism to progressives: ‘Go fuck yourselves’.”
  • 2019, Anthony Montes, "Ellen Richsplains Friendship With War Criminal", Portland State Vanguard (Portland State University), 22 October 2019, page 13
  • 2020, J., "Forget identity; Brexit was always a question of wealth inequality", The Guadie (Aberdeen University), 26 February 2020, page 13:
    Thanks for rich-splaining Brexit for me Georgie-boy.