Citations:rustle someone's jimmies

English citations of rustle someone's jimmies

Verb: "(Internet slang) to bother someone; to make someone feel upset"

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2011, Christopher Liminello, "Costumed Aggression", The Rutgers Review (Rutgers University), January/February 2011, page 10:
    But there is one problem with the Academy Awards that really rustles my jimmies. That is, of course, the category of Best Costume Design.
  • 2012, Brenton Woodward, "How to live with a total stranger", Arizona Summer Wildcat (University of Arizona), 25 July 2012 - 31 July 2012, page 30:
    It's amazing what can be solved with civil, reasoned discussion, so save the screaming down the road and have a nice talk with your roommate about how it really rustles your jimmies when they slam the door after their 3 a.m. bathroom trip every night.
  • 2012, Shelby Chiasson, "Editor expresses distastes at religious intolerance", The Johnsonian (Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC), 30 August 2012, page 6:
    What really rustles my jimmies is when others attempt to force their beliefs on others.
  • 2012, Sean Reichard, "Judging books by the names on the cover: an author study", The Daily Cardinal (University of Wisconsin-Madison), 12 September 2012, page 4:
    Does melodrama à la Dickens rustle your jimmies?
  • 2012, Sean Sandy Devotional, "Hot Snakes: Corner Hotel, Friday December 7", Beat Magazine, 12 December 2012, page 90:
    LOVED: A band returning from indefinite hiatus that didn't rustle my jimmies for once.
  • 2013, Joanne Drawbaugh, "Inauguration", And Magazine, Spring 2013, page 18:
    The rampant consumerism, xenophobia, and complete disregard for the fact that although we are separated from much of the world by two vast oceans, America is not the end-all-be-all of planet Earth rustle my jimmies.
  • 2013, J. Winquist, "When 'Sheeple' Attack", Debate (Auckland University of Technology), October 2013, page 17:
    “It must be strikingly wretched to rustle your jimmies.”
  • 2013, Calvin Ryan, "The super bowl of breakfast cereals", Pepperbox (Arcata High School, Arcata, CA), 22 March 2013, page 11:
    I was quite sad to learn that I liked the gluten-free cereal far lass than the General Mills and Post cereals. You could say that the Koala Crisp and Leapin' Lemurs thoroughly rustled my jimmies.
  • 2014, Dijay Savoy, "Keep your nose on your own continent, please", The Dalhousie Gazette (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS), 17 October 2014 - 23 October 2014, page 9:
    North Korea is the pinnacle of nationalized trolling; they'll say anything to anyone if they can rustle some jimmies.
  • 2014, Lewis Bedford, "Trolling in the Deep", The Courier (Newcastle University), 27 October 2014, page 10:
    Taking a stance against what he termed a "baying cyber-mob", last Sunday Justice Secretary Chris Grayling showed clear intentions to increase the maximum sentence online 'trolling' - an internet phrase depicting anything from merely rustling someones Jimmies to cold blooded threats of violence.
  • 2014, Jordan Fischer, "Can or may?", Current in Zionsville, 1 November 2014, page 33:
    Oh, boy – we're going to rustle some jimmies on this one.
  • 2015, Evie Platt, The Reaper, unnumbered pages:
    Something sturdier than a crow would have been ideal, but try hopping around in a cave as a hawk or an eagle and see if you don't rustle the jimmies of sleeping oxen.
  • 2015, Jeff Black, review of The Revenant King by Visigoth, Vandala Magazine, January 2015, page 12:
    The vocals of Jake Rogers tend to rustle some jimmies out there but I don't get why - the dude is a goddamned monster of a singer with a deep bellow and a richness that vibrates with the center of the universe.
  • 2015, Michael Kiwak, "Kiwak's Quips", The Penn (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), 5 December 2014, page 23:
    For Nebraska, they selected longtime Oregon State head coach Mike Riley, which really rustled the jimmies of many notable sports media figures.
  • 2015, "What common English mistake rustles your jimmies?", Reflector 2015 (Dalat International School, Penang, Malaysia) page 86 (used in title only)
  • 2016, Jebbie Sans, Liar: The Misadventures of a Bipolar Type 2, unnumbered page:
    The piece that really rustled my jimmies was a bit over the top.
  • 2016, Hana Jacob, "Being Bisexual And Picking Sides", On Dit (University of Adelaide), page 33:
    There's a lot of damaging, preconceived notions about bisexuality floating around. [] But the one that really, really rustles my jimmies is this idea of picking sides.
  • 2016, Mario Lopez, "Death of an Emoji", Union Weekly (California State University, Long Beach), 3 October 2016, page 4:
    But I'm not here to talk about that emoji [🔫]. Americans love their guns and I don't feel like rustling your jimmies too much.
  • 2017, quoting a press release for a tour by Richard B. Spencer, Annette Van de Kamp-Wright, "Leaving the fringe", The Jewish Press (Omaha, NB), 3 February 2017, page A8:
    “He'll debate your favorite feminist professor... make the SJWs cry... and rustle the jimmies of the campus, if not the world,” the promotion reads.
  • 2017, Gerry Hart, "Indie gaming insight: Shadowrun Returns, The Courier (Newcastle University), 13 March 2017, page 28:
    What happens when you take the dystopian near future trappings of cyberpunk fiction and combine them with elements of high fantasy? Well for one you piss off William Gibson but more directly, you get Shadowrun, the venerable pen and paper RPG franchise that's been rustling the jimmies of cyberpunk purists since 1989.
  • 2018, Gloria H. Giroux, Saguaro: Volume One, unnumbered page:
    If you wish you may tell the police to be careful not to rustle my jimmies.
  • 2018, Megan Hart, Wicked Attraction, unnumbered page:
    “Not trying to rustle your jimmies, Mr. Billions,” Al said quickly, holding up her hands in gesture of surrender.
  • 2018, John Semley, Hater: On the Virtues of Utter Disagreeability, unnumbered page:
    Where "trolling" may have previously connoted the egocentric, or the reactionary, it now marks an anarchic, highly ironic form of confrontation mobilized purely in the service of (to cop a bit of 4chan slang—more below) rustling people's jimmies.
  • 2018, Zachariah Chou, "Week in review: a whole slew of SG screwups", The Independent Florida Alligator (University of Florida), 2 November 2018, page 6:
    Another small quip that rustled my jimmies was the talk of academic supplies being made available for checkout from Marston Science Library and Library West.
  • 2019, Ellie Kay, No Whisk, No Reward, unnumbered page:
    “You sound like Joy,” I said in a cautioning tone, thinking it would rustle Tempest's jimmies enough to get her to drop it, but instead she sighed and looked thoughtfully out onto the road ahead of her.
  • 2019, "The Best Advice Column", The Irvington (Irvington High School, Fremont, CA), 1 February 2019, page 18:
    The briny pickle juice really rustles my jimmies.
  • 2020, Luke Mitchell, The Black Knight, unnumbered page:
    He said it more to rustle Jaeger's jimmies than anything else.
  • 2020, Tom Leach, "Humanities Students", The Courier (Newcastle University), 17 February 2020, page 9:
    It might rustle some jimmies, but humanities students are important students in our universities.

Verb: "(Internet slang) to interest or excite sexually and/or romantically"

2012 2014 2016 2017
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2014, Hamarita Jones, "Fetishes, kinks, and paraphilias, oh my!", The Cascade (University of the Fraser Valley), 5 March 2014, page 13:
    It's not that my wide feet are so irresistibly sexy that no man could keep his hands off them — trust me, they're not — but there's just something about feet that really rustles his jimmies.
  • 2014, "True love Tracey", letter to "Letters To The Ductus Doctor", Ductus (University of Newcastle), Edition 2 (2014), page 37:
    Should I try find love with someone who really rustles my jimmies?
  • 2016, Ivy Maxwell, Cheyenne's Can's, unnumbered page:
    Blake gritted his teeth, then quickly reverted to smirking at the raven-haired competitor from Oklahoma who had shyly asked permission to feel his massive arms. Whatever. He was used to the request back at the gym. Let her bat her eyelashes; he had no interest in rustling her jimmies.
  • 2017, The Moot Times (University of Calgary), February 2017, page 3:
    And what, I'm sure you're asking, rustles the jimmies of a highly discerning [turtle] bachelor such as myself? I'm looking for a delectable woman who is interested in long, painfully slow walks on the beach, being dazzled by my utterly stunning shell, and mercilessly abandoning any children of our union to be devoured by birds while they desperately try to scramble from land to the water immediately after hatching.

Verb: "(Internet slang) to masturbate"

  • 2012, Anonymous, "Sex-on-the-Exe", Exeposé (University of Exeter), 6 June 2012, page 13:
    It was about my fifth week of lectures, a cool October morning, when I finally rustled up the courage to talk with the girl I had become infatuated with. I had seen her in one of my first lectures, and her radiance became engrained in my mind (which was helpful when rustling my jimmies in the shower – if you catch my drift!)

Verb: "(Internet slang) to interest or excite generally"

2015 2016
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2015, Yolanda Eugene Ensh, "What Does Your Favorite Pharmaprix Say About Your Love Life!?", The Plumber's Faucet (McGill University), 23 April 2015, page 20:
    And if those municipalities don't rustle your Jimmies, stop reading now because you will not like what you see from here on out.
  • 2016, Bailey Mount, "Dear Chatty Cathy Cinema Companions", Long Beach Union Weekly (California State University, Long Beach), 22 August 2016, page 4:
    Given my proclivity for horror, most of my theater trips consist of my boyfriend and I seeing the newest slasher/supernatural/ suspense flick to see if it can really rustle our jimmies.

Verb: uncertain meaning

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2009 November 23, @Sendlink, Twitter[1], archived from the original on 2023-07-19:
    That really rustled my jimmies.