
English citations of samefood

Noun: "(autism) a food that an autistic person eats frequently and sometimes exclusively..."

2019 2021 2021 2023
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2019, Andrew Kirkconnell, "'Where Everyone Waddles Like Me': An Examination of the Autistic Community on", thesis submitted to McMaster University, page 82:
    For example, "stimming" becoming common parlance instead of simply a medical term, and "samefood" developed currency to describe the preference of many autistic people to eat the same food over and over again.
  • 2021, Haley Moss, The Young Autistic Adult's Independence Handbook, page 74:
    While samefoods and eating according to a routine often bring us comfort, we might want to venture beyond our comfort zone and try new foods too.
  • 2022, Devon Price, Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity, unnumbered page:
    We often eat the same meals over and over again, or only enjoy a limited range of foods (sometimes called samefoods in the community).
  • 2022, Bex Ollerton, Sensory: Life on the Spectrum: An Autistic Comics Anthology, unnumbered page:
    Samefoods while reading
  • 2023, Meghan Ashburn & Jules Edwards, I Will Die On This Hill: Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World, page 212:
    Have you ever heard about samefood? Here's an article I've found helpful.
  • 2023, Fern Brady, Strong Female Character, unnumbered page:
    The rest of the day is a write-off and any dinner plans will have to be scrapped as I return to eating bland samefoods.
  • 2023, Matthew Broberg-Moffitt, Color Taste Texture: Recipes for Picky Eaters, Those with Food Aversion, and Anyone Who's Ever Cringed at Food, page 6:
    I've been asked questions by parents and partners of the food averse about getting their loved ones to eat more than just their favored samefoods.
  • 2023, Laurence Cobbaert & Anna Rose, "Eating Disorders and Neurodivergence: A Stepped Care Approach", page 44:
    With the awareness that samefoods will change from time to time, it can be helpful to plan, or in some way consider, how samefoods can be replaced with a new samefood of similar nutritional value.