Citations:sand nigger

English citations of sand nigger

( English noun )

  • 2007 Vivek Iyer, Samlee's Daughter: A Novel, Pg 63, Polyglot Publications, London
    Senator Goebbels said to me, "Tell me, Hairy Cunt, why are all you sand nigger scumbags such utter and unmitigated shits?". 'God bless you for noticing, ...'
  • 2003 Denis Hammil Sins of Two Fathers, p327, Simon and Schuster →ISBN, 9780743480079
    ... Laurie responded by asking how she would like it if she called her a 'dirty Arab sand nigger.' To which, according to your only witness, the Moroccan girl threw a handful of sand in Laurie's face, saying, 'Here's some sand from this sand nigger, you white trash American cunt. ' "