
English citations of search-engine

to look up on a search engine

  • 1999 February 2, anita jamar, “I'm beginning to see the trend of more and more asian women dating white men.”, in soc.culture.asian.american[1] (Usenet):
    I have search engined "asian women" and "mail order brides" (I did that one because I can't really believe that people do it) and you'd be surprised at how many things you find.
  • 2001 June 29, Futari-G, “OT to the German RAAMers”, in rec.arts.anime.models[2] (Usenet):
    The interesting stuff you can find, search engining your own name.
  • 2001 July 22, SDM, “Who set this up?”, in[3] (Usenet):
    I search-engined the binaries don and mike NG and found "". When did this get started? And why?
  • 2010, Cornelius Peter Theophilus, Blessed Is the King of Kings: Are We in the End of Civilizations?[4], →ISBN:
    There were suggestions on the website that if anyone wanted to know about press release sent to the public, they could simply search-engine the name Carwel Dera.
  • 2013, David Walls-Kaufman, Caesar Americus: One Party Rule, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, →ISBN, page 199:
    All tolled, the media and internet used the term 67,903 times during the next week, if you search-engined the name.
  • 2016 October 9, The Doctor, “1 month to go”, in rec.arts.drwho[5] (Usenet):
    I guess you haven't search engined sexual predator Bill Clinton.
  • 2019, Jem Calder, “Good Progress”, in Granta[6], number 148, →ISBN:
    The bathroom smelled of rosé and sandalwood diffuser, and for no reason that I could have explained if called upon to do so, I search-engined the words ‘sandalwood diffuser’. These were less expensive than I had thought.
  • 2022, Calvin Thomas, Breathless, →ISBN, page 185:
    She reached for her phone and search engined an abortion clinic that was close with walk-in appointments.

to list on a search engine; to index on a search engine

  • 1996 October 5, CCD (Ilaria Vilkelis), “How has the Internet changed your life?”, in news.newusers.questions[7] (Usenet):
    After five years of lost contact his undergraduate years best friend was search-engined and promptly retrieved via Alta Vista: contacted by e-mail he was our best man at the wedding
  • 2003 May 5, PeterL, “So I made my homepage but how can I get them listed on search engines?”, in alt.html[8] (Usenet):
    He's perfectly entitled to have his family page be search engined along with the thousands of others already there!!!

to use a search engine

  • 1997 February 3, Howard MacGregor, “Scanning for photo processing”, in comp.sys.mac.apps[9] (Usenet):
    Also: What is the best resolution to use (again b&w and color) when printing to an HP Deskwriter 660C. (Search-engined all over for this but canšt unearth the answer I need.)
  • 1997 March 9, KMsSavage, “Webpage design... any hints?”, in[10] (Usenet):
    You might also try search-engining for kiddie topics.
  • 1998 April 20, David Courtney, “what price acorn JAVA ?”, in[11] (Usenet):
    I checked acorns site then; got very little, search engined a bit and got little more.
  • 1998 October 15,, “Chicago Sheet Music”, in[12] (Usenet):
    I've search engined, emailed, and queried myself blue and have come up empty.
  • 2000 August 3, cheshirecat, “Assholes!!!”, in[13] (Usenet):
    When I first found Jennicam, I search-engined for every reference...I found Moe's fairly quickly, as well as a.f.j.
  • 2000 September 21, DPK, “Hello friends....found literally 50,000+ AB's today!”, in rec.antiques.bottles[14] (Usenet):
    I've search-engined my tail off and can't find any info on either of those brands.
  • 2001 October 12, Yojimbo, “PS2 cable on an AT keyboard?”, in alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt[15] (Usenet):
    I've search-engined for this kind of info with no luck.
  • 2002 March 24, Boozy Smurf (aka Andrew Hatch / 790), “Canadian Farscape info request”, in[16] (Usenet):
    I wouldn't ask, but I've been search-engining for an hour and come up empty handed.
  • 2002 June 20, eric Miller, “Public DNS how-to”, in mailing.unix.bind-users[17] (Usenet):
    i have search-engined myself to death, and can't find the resource I need. can anyone point me to a how to that will help me accomplish the following goal:
  • 2019, Jeff Gordinier, Hungry: Eating, Road-Tripping, and Risking It All with the Greatest Chef in the World, New York: Tim Duggan Books, →ISBN, page 166:
    Preserving my remaining drops of phone power as if they were fresh water in the desert, I triangulated—while the patient driver waited for directions, Lauren, in New York, search-engined her way from block to block in Mérida until she turned up a sole available room at a corporate megalith where the prices far outstripped my budget.
  • 2020 November 13, Weaver (Harry Weaver), “Booting multiple BSDs.”, in ml-freebsd-questions[18] (Usenet):
    I've search engined around and all I can find most of the time is multi-booting with Windows, which I ,left behind when XP came out, or rambling non-specifics and vague references.