
English citations of stalkumentary

Noun: "a documentary film or programme which follows around its subject and/or intrudes upon his or her private life, particularly to a degree characterized as stalking"

1997 2005 2011
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1997Jan Wong, "Lunch With Michael Moore", The Globe and Mail, 11 September 1997:
    "Wendy's is my favourite," agrees Moore, 43, an autoworker's son and the rumpled star of Roger & Me, the original "stalkumentary" and the biggest-grossing documentary in history.
  • 2005Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted, Anchor Books (2006), →ISBN, page 286:
    Here's the five minutes that will end life as she knows it. My short stalkumentary that's going to put her back into blue-collar slavery.
  • 2005 — Carrie Rickey, "His dream? Connecting with Drew", Philadelphia Inquirer, 5 August 2005:
    The result is slight, but sweet in this hybrid of stalkumentary and romantic comedy. The filmmakers didn't haunt either Barrymore's home or office, but rather contacted her through people she knew or worked with.
  • 2011 — Rick Groen, "TIFF and U2: a perfect fit", The Globe and Mail, 2 September 2011:
    [] nor would Michael Moore’s reputation-making Roger & Me, without the original template of a witty documentary done at the NFB back in 1974 by Michael Rubbo – his Waiting for Fidel invented the stalkumentary.