
English citations of stirrup

  • 2009, Olof A. Eriksen, Constitution - All Sails Up and Flying, Olof Eriksen (→ISBN), page 86:
    Then fit the parrel, which goes with two straps round the yard with running eyes & lash together on top of the bowsprit ... out from the slings to the yard arm, fit a strap & thimble for flying jib sheet & nail on stirrup for foot rope, ...
  • 1874, Charles Bushell, The rigger's guide, page 99:
    I have seen the foot ropes taken out to the gooseneck at the yard - arm , spliced round a thimble , and an additional stirrup fitted with an eye to go over the yard - arm , before the jack stay is put on ; that does away with the ...
  • 1854, Charles BUSHELL, The Rigger's Guide, Containing Practical Instructions for Completely Rigging Ships of War, page 177:
    To Rig the Yard Arms . Put the jackstays on , and after the stirrup of the foot ropes are put over the eye bolts , reeve the jackstay through the eye bolts , splice a thimble in each end , allowing 2.ft. 6 - in . drift for setting up ...
  • 1893, Charles Bushell, The Rigger's Guide and Seaman's Assistant: Containing Practical Instructions for Rigging Ships, with Considerable Additions Relative to Wire Rigging, Formation of Knots, Etc, page 99:
    I have seen the foot ropes taken out to the goose neck at the yard - arm , spliced round a thimble , and an additional stirrup fitted with an eye to go over the yard - arm , before the jack stay is put on ; that does away with the ...
  • 1871, Alfred Henry Alston, Captain Alston's Seamanship, page 94:
    Foot - ropes - Go with an eye over the yard - arm , rove through the stirrups , and seized to the yard on the opposite quarter ; turks - heads should be worked on each side of the stirrup , as they prevent the foot - ropes falling into ...