English citations of sybil

  • a. 1969, John Kennedy Toole, chapter 10, in A Confederacy of Dunces, Penguin, published 1981, →ISBN:
    "Who in the world is that?" "A sybil of a medieval nun. She has guided my life."
  • 1839, Louis Antoine Godey, Sarah Josepha Buell Hale, Godey's Lady's Book, page 210:
    ... a sybil who was laughingly dealing out her prophecies.
  • 2012 October 3, Roy E. Day Jr., Ritual Blasphemy, Lulu.com, →ISBN, page 143:
    ... a sybil who served the elite of Paris, who was considered an adept at reading the future from cards, palms, or astrology. She was so well known that in 1664 she had been issued an invitation and debated the case for astrology at the []
  • 1857, Inceptor, Tom of Wiseacre; Or, Incidents in a Somewhat Chequered Life, page 52:
    ... (a sybil who professed to cure all bodily ills by certain foolish charms) []