
Latin citations of synedros

  • circa 20 BC, Titus Livius Patavinus, Ab Urbe Condita Libri, book XLV, chapter xxxii, §§ 1–2, in: W. Weissenborn (editor), Ab urbe condita libri, erklärt von M. Weissenborn XLV (1881), pages 86–87:
    his rerum externarum cognitionibus interpositis Macedonum rursus advocatum concilium; pronuntiatum, quod ad statum Macedoniae pertinebat, senatores, quos synedros vocant, legendos esse, quorum consilio res publica administraretur.
    The congress of the Macedonians which had been interrupted by these proceedings was again convened. First of all the status of Macedonia was defined. Senators, who were known as “synedri,” were to be elected to form a council for the administration of government. ― translation from the Rev. Canon Roberts, History of Rome (books XXI–XLV; 1912), book XLV: “Rome stabilizes the East”, chapter xxxii, §§ 1–2