
English citations of tarted-up

  • 1997 June 3, Beverley Skeggs, Formations of Class & Gender: Becoming Respectable, SAGE, →ISBN, page 84:
    [] tarted up but I'm not tarty . Karen will ring up and say 'are you getting tarted up tonight?' I'm aware that I can't wear certain things that are too tarty[,] say mini-skirts, they're tarty. I just can't wear them, they don't do []
  • 2003 July 2, James B. Twitchell, Living It Up: America's Love Affair with Luxury, Simon and Schuster, →ISBN, page 143:
    Marky Mark in his skivvies right next to the newly tarted-up table of contents. I don't mean to imply that this was as much a conscious editorial decision as it was part of a transformation wrought by publishers interested in moving a different kind of product to a younger and newly []
  • 2008 February 16, Peter Sagal (host), Wait, Wait...Don’t Tell Me!, National Public Radio
    It is true that they themselves do not shave themselves to look like tarted-up topiaries, so I guess we should be kinder to the poodles.
  • 2017 January 10, Geoff Woods, Looking Up, Looking Down, Troubador Publishing Ltd, →ISBN, page 213:
    We [...] cycled [...] a few more easy miles along the quiet country lanes towards [...] the tarted-up bit of Gloucester docks. We pushed across a couple of lock gates and steeled ourselves for dicing with death along a stretch of the A40. There would turn out to be two distinctly dodgy passages during our six days on the road []