Middle English citations of tempre


  • 14th Century, John Wycliffe quoted in Select English works of John Wyclif, Volume III., page #69:
    And þus as beestis upon þe lond drawen in erþe to tempre her body, so fischis in þe flood drawen in watir to tempre hem.

English citations of tempre

Verb: obsolete form of temper

1538 1542
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1538, State Papers, Volume VIII., page #62:
    And albeit, my good Lord, it is taken for a policie to tempre and moderat woordes and doynges emonges great Princes, to kepe theym in amitie : yet, forasmoche as the Kinges Highnes and also your Lordeship commandeth us trulie to declare, how we take the doynges here ; we cowde doo no lesse, except we shuld have declared our selves untrewe men to God and to the King, but shewe and write as we did and doo ; not dowting but our doyng therin shalbe taken according to our meanyng, whiche is faythefullie and sincerlie to serve the King our mayster, and to be as Highnes shall commande us to doo.
  • 1542, The Complaynt of Scotlande, page #195:
    AFTER THESE syxe dayes was sent a commission out of Scotlande, with power to conclude a metynge precisely at suche a place, as they knew wel we wolde not, ne coulde not in wynter obserue and kepe, wherwith whan our commissioners were myscontent, the ambassadours of Scotland to relieue that displesure, and to tempre the matier, wherby to winne more tyme, shewed forth their instructions, wherin liberty was gyuen to the ambassadours to excede their commission in the appoyntment of the place, and to consent to any other by our commissioners thought conuenient, []