English citations of terf


  • 1850, Glossary of Indian Terms, for the Use of the Various Departments of the Government of the East-India Company[1]:
    TERF--Side; quarter; division of a pergunnah.
  • 1866, The Fifth Report from the Select Committee on the Affairs of the East India Company, page 206:
    19. That the zemindars and talookdars, previous to the signature of their cabooleats, shall deliver to the collectors an account of the pergunnahs now composing the zemindarry or talookdarry, as well as of any terfs, talooks, kismuts, villages, or other divisions of land [...] each pergunnah, terf, tuppah, kismut, or other division, [...]
  • 1869, Act No. VIII of 1869, passed by the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal in Council [...] An Act to amend the procedure in suits between Landlords and Tenants, page 118:
    [...] to a farmer of a terf or division, [...] British Rules for Taruf.—Thus, supposing a perganah to be portioned out into five or more terfs or kismuts, comprehending the whole, [...] the division of perganahs into kismuts and terufs is arbitrary. [...] any terfs, taluks, kismuts, villages or other division of land [...] in chack Perganah tarruf excluding its Kismuts [...] Settlement record of Perganah Tarruf for the Bengali year 1198 [...]


  • 2018, Tom Boland, "The subversion of subversion: Critique unto infinity in the 'social' media", in Divinization and Technology, 2018:
    [] the TERF feminists as fake critics, whose ideology is wrapped up in a cloak of feminist [language] [] Plainly there is no resolution whatsoever to this 'turf/terf' war but a cycle of revenge.