Citations:tertius gaudens

English citations of tertius gaudens

  • 1923, Baron SA Korff, “Russia in the Far East”, in American Journal of International Law[1], volume 17, number 2, Cambridge University Press, →DOI, →ISSN, pages 252–284:
    To appreciate in full the diplomatic situation of that epoch, one must keep in mind the position taken by Germany. Between England and Russia she was the tertius gaudens, carefully abstaining from any direct participation.
  • 1927, Friedrich Alverdes, translated by K. C. Creasy, The Social Life In The Animal World (International Library of Psychology. Comparative Psychology)‎[2], Routledge, published 2013, →ISBN, page 32:
    During the fights which occasionally arise it sometimes happens that young males arrive and fertilize the eggs; these play the part of tertii gaudentes, as young deer do in similar circumstances (accessory promiscuity).
  • 1962, Ernest Allyn Smith, American Youth Culture: Group Life in Teenage Society[3], volume 10, Free Press of Glencoe, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 59:
    First the children are infected by parental maladjustments and primed for participation in family conflicts. Then the child learns to take sides in the role of tertius gaudens, one of a triad who plays one person against the other and profits from the conflict
  • 2018 December 21, Hall Gardner, IR Theory, Historical Analogy, and Major Power War[4], Springer, →ISBN, →OCLC, page 88:
    China has consequently represented a tertius gaudens power that has been able to take advantage, and benefit from, US–European–Japanese–Soviet/Russian political-economic and military disputes.