
English citations of tervert

Noun: "(slang, derogatory) a gender-critical feminist or anti-transgender advocate, viewed as having an unhealthy fixation on trans people's genitals"

2020 2021 2022
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  • 2020 February 16, Kiri Anne Ryan Bereznai (@ohheykiri), Twitter[1]:
    A trans exclusionary rad fem who can't stop obsessing over trans people's genitals...a tervert?
  • 2021 January 26, trans fruitie mafioso (@GastlySundae), Twitter[2]:
    There's definitely cishet women who are chasers too, like all those terverts who read sissification fics lol
  • 2021 July 15, :Cυριԃ'ʂ Mσʅσƚσʋ (@AlyssaIncognita), Twitter[3]:
    Aaaaaand the terverts are out again in numbers.
  • 2021 August 6, :, ew (@llewcid), Twitter[4]:
    Found one of these stuck on the back of the toilet cubicle door at the Museum of <redacted> and <redacted> in Manchester today, if anyone needed to know which public toilets the grubby terverts have been knocking about in lately. Immediately removed and binned.
  • 2021 December 12, Christina (@chrissyleansl), Twitter[5]:
    The only thing I do with tweets from the gender conservative terverts is wait til they have lots of likes, then use mega block to cleanse my feed of sock accounts.
  • 2021 December 27, Crash (@StarCrashr), Twitter[6]:
    Do you beleive[sic] that children should be required to submit to invasive genital inspections in order to participate in sports, as gender critical terverts have mandated by law in Florida?
  • 2022 June 29, AJ (@DreamSerpentine), Twitter[7]:
    Thank you for standing up to the terverts! They think every normal person in the world should enable their weird sexual obsession with bullying trans people.