
English citations of torture-meister and torturemeister

Noun: "one who is skilled in the art of torture"

1984 1997 2000 2005 2006
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1984, J. G. Thirlwell (lyrics and music), “Sick Man”, in Hole, performed by Foetus:
    The torture-meister relishing
    Intimidating everything
  • 1997 December 21, Denise Perry, “My turn -- TND review”, in[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2024-05-28:
    Torn on Schiavelli's torturemeister.
  • 2000 May 18,, “[NA] BullsEye for Leboutillier!”, in alt.civil-liberty[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2024-05-28:
    Thus Elian is a prisoner inside our country. He is probably undergoing some type of horrific ‘reprogramming’ at the hands of Cuban torture-meisters (perhaps trained by the ‘Fidel’ who worked on McCain’s fellow POWs 25 years ago) and drug-wielding doctors.
  • 2005 March 22, ouroboros rex, “Liberals Can't Contain their Hatred”, in alt.politics.democrats.d[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2024-05-28:
    If the shoe fits... But Cheney's more a Baghdad Bob type. Bush is the real torturemeister.
  • 2006 February 4, NASCAR26, “Death of 1,000 cuts in movies”, in rec.arts.movies.current-films[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2024-05-28:
    I read a novel about Marco Polo or some such thing that had a graphic description of "Death of 1000 Cuts". It was a form of capital punishment. The royal executioner or torturemeister or whatever had charted the exterior of the human body and written each little piece down on a slip of paper and put all 1000 slips in a drum. So as each slip was drawn from the drum that part that was described was cut off the victim. So it was a sort of a perverse lottey in that a younger, stronger person would suffer for days or weeks longer than an older person.