English citations of tounge

1536 1562 1990
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1380, John Wyclif, English works (1880 edition by the Early English Text Society)
    He schal make his tounge cleue faste to þe roof of his mouþ.
    He shall make his tongue cleave fast to the roof of his mouth.
  • 1536, Register of Riches, in Edward Ledwich, Antiquitates Sarisburienses; or, the history and antiquities of old and new Sarum (1771)
    Having ... two white Leopards and two dragons facing them as going to engage, their tounges are done in curiousest wyse.
  • 1562, John Heywood, Woorkes. A dialogue conteynyng prouerbes and epigrammes
    Thy tounge runth before thy wit.
  • 1990, Phyllis Fichtelman Nentwich, Intravenous Therapy
    Rough, dry tounge