
English citations of tradcath, tradCath, and TradCath

Noun: "(chiefly Internet slang) a Catholic who seeks to change the religion back to the norms of before the Second Vatican Council"

2019 2020 2021
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2019, The Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts, and Reason, page 115:
    Chesterton was Edwardian England's most eloquent advocate for distributism, a Catholic social and economic system that contemporary TradCaths embrace, more (skepticism of big-government socialism) or less (actually distributing anything to anyone).
  • 2020, Mariel Hope Cooksey, "The Alt-Right and Christianity", thesis submitted to the University of Virginia, page 32:
    Overlapping with groups within the ‘Manosphere’, tradcaths use fundamentalist Christianity as a vehicle to spread and legitimize their gospel of traditional family values []
  • 2021, David Hoa Khoa Nguyen, Jeremy F. Price, & Duaa H. Alwan, "The Influence of Christian Nationalism on U.S. Public Educators' Speech: Implications from Meriwether vs. Hartop", Laws, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2021:
    This group is comprised of networks—such as Catholic identifying Groypers and TradCaths []

Adjective: "espousing, characteristic of, or relating to traditionalist or ultraconservative Catholicism"

2014 2019 2020
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  • 2014, Fr. Martyn Neale, "Looking to the Future", Forward in Faith Guildford, June 2014:
    But there are not enough ‘TradCath’ priests to serve all the parishes who want us, leaving churches and people vulnerable to takeover by ‘Affirming’ clergy or pastoral reorganisation into liberal teams.
  • 2019, The Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts, and Reason, page 154:
    In fact, the TradCath Weirdo is so obsessed with fecundity and nonprocreating marriages that he represents the only type of contemporary white person that actively hates dogs.
  • 2020, Mariel Hope Cooksey, "The Alt-Right and Christianity", thesis submitted to the University of Virginia, page 32:
    Sharing little in common with a true traditionalist stance of Catholicism, the tradcath movement within the Groyper Army is more akin to heavily meme-ified, internet-based understanding of Francoist Catholic fascism - Francoist Catholicism referring to the Roman Catholicism practiced by genocidal Spanish dictator Francisco Franco.