
English citations of transblack

? 'cross-black' or 'transcending blackness'? (cf Citations:transrace)

these are not independent, both referencing Gilroy
  • 2010, Paul Gilroy, Darker Than Blue: On the Moral Economies of Black Atlantic Culture (Harvard University Press, →ISBN), page 143:
    From this oblique angle, Jimi might now reappear attractively as a prodigal heir to the comparable revolutionary legacies of Robert Johnson and Charlie Christian, two other African American guitar geniuses that the wider world still pays attention to. Their combination of musical innovations triangulates our reconstituted, transblack tradition. Johnson provides one axis of Hendrix's world by marking the historic transition of everyday blues art into the altered tempos of the industrial age.
  • 2016, Sara Upstone, Rethinking Race and Identity in Contemporary British Fiction (Routledge, →ISBN):
    As the breakdown of racially discrete communities is inherent to cosmopolitanism and crossracial dialogues are an ally of 'nonracial, transblack histories' (Gilroy 2004: 2), so its potential is modelled in the breakdown between human and animals[.]