
English citations of transversary

  • 1937, Birger Bohlin, Notes on Some Late Palaeozoic Localities in the Nan-shan Se ..., page 11:
    The gneissose rocks forming the substratum of the Palaeozoic have been uplifted and pushed northwards along a transversary fault and the Palaeozoic sediments were at the same time pushed aside.
  • 1968, G. Frasl, Tibor Buday, Miroslav Malkovský, Guide to excursion, volumes 32-38, pages xi and 107:
    It is dissected by a transversary zone. In the transversary zone older rocks (Phycodenschichten) rise above the Culm along faults.
    In the southeastern extension of the "Frankenwälder Querzone" (transversary zone), parts of the lower gneiss masses are cataclastically reworked and have been upthrown to the surface at antithetic dislocations.
  • 1973, RSNA Index to Imaging Literature - Volume 108, page 326:
    Venous plexus located inside and on the outside the transversary canal.