
English citations of typewritery

Adjective: "of, relating to, or characteristic of a typewriter"

1893 1904 1912 2009 2012
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 1893, The Nation, Volume 57, Number 1480, 9 November 1893, page 350:
    Its etchings, by Herbert Nye, are steeped in the spirit of the story. The type, imitated, with supposed improvements, from a quarto Elzevir (a type not compressed like that of the pocket Elzevirs), is too modern in its businesslike roundness and with its typewritery short tails to the bs and ds, ps and qs.
  • 1904, Process Review and Journal of Electrotyping, Volumes 9-10, page 444:
    Naturally, it looks "typewritery," but it is not displeasing, and is quite neat.
  • 1912, Walter V. Woehlke, "A Creator of Efficiency", Sunset, the Pacific Monthly, Volume 29, Number 3, September 1912, page 295:
    Coöperation, efficiency—not of the red-tape, typewritery kind—are Superintendent Whalen's watchwords.
  • 2009, Curt Cloninger, Fresher Styles for Web Designers: More Eye Candy from the Underground, New Riders (2009), →ISBN, page 97:
    These typewritery embellishments make the site feel like a homemade publication.
  • 2012, Alan Trevennor, Practical AVR Microcontrollers: Games, Gadgets, and Home Automation with the Microcontroller Used in the Arduino, Apress (2012), →ISBN, page 374:
    Indeed, the serial data transmission method that we looked at in the preceding section was originally worked out to allow typewritery machines called teletypes (you sometimes see them in very old movies) to talk to early computers.
  • 2012, Catherine Cleary, "Seven could be heaven for foodies", Irish Times, 4 February 2012:
    Outside, the premises has been painted smart navy and the name is painted in a low-key typewritery script.