
English citations of ubicated, ubicating, and ubicates

  • 1875, Catholic World XXI, page 445/1:
    […] -rial things can be ubicated. Now, God is everywhere by his immensity; and therefore, everywhere there is the possibility of ubicating a material point — that is, absolute space has the same range as God’s immensity.
  • 1934, America L, page 20/1:
    I am much intrigued as to whether that word Serendipity (Serendippy in its participial form) in America for September 16 was found in some old dictionary or is a reaction to the Anchoret’s ubicating in a hen house at Auriesville.
  • 1952, Applied Mechanics Reviews, volume number unknown, page 103/2:
    Author applies to space pin-jointed structures the construction of Williot–Mohr displacement diagram. The possibility of ubicating a joint in such a diagram depends upon the knowledge of the variations of the distances between the joint considered and other three, already ubicated. The ubication of such a joint should be obtained as the point of intersection of the three planes normal to the directions of the lines joining the joint considered with the other three.
  • 1971, Luis M. Rojas in Comentarios Bibliográficos Americanos III, page 129/2:
    […] discipline and the same time – that ubicates it in the historic period of post-war and clear the communitary programs of mental health and investigation mainly in the new orientations.
  • 2000, Robert Havard, The Crucified Mind: Rafael Alberti and the Surrealist Ethos in Spain, Tamesis (2001), →ISBN, chapter 4: “From Pain to Prophecy”, § 1: ‘Lorca’s mantic poet in New York’, page 113:
    ‘Así hablaba yo’ (499) [Thus spoke I], says Lorca in oracular vein as he emerges at the end of one poem from an agonized trance-like state; ‘Yo estaba en la terraza …’ (486) [There was I on the terrace …], he proclaims in another, ubicating himself as witness to the horror of New York; ‘¡oh salvaje Norteamérica!’ (486) [oh barbarous North America!], he admonishes the erring twentieth-century nation much as Isaiah chastized the house of Judah, ‘yo denuncio a toda la gente’ (516) [I denounce all the people]; ‘ya las cobras silbarán … ya la Bolsa será una pirámide de musgo’ (487) [now shall the cobras hiss … now shall the Stock Exchange be a pyramid of moss], he foretells the godhead’s retribution; ‘aleluya, aleluya’ (492), he interjects ironically; ‘No busquéis … Buscad … Aguardad’ (481–2) [Don’t look … Look … Wait], he directs the lost citizens of New York in the familiar imperative.
  • 2003, Paul Proulx, “Review of Desano Grammar: Studies in the Languages of Colombia 6 (Miller)” in the International Journal of American Linguistics LXIX, № 1, pages 100–102:
    The grammar is just what one would expect from a SIL trained linguist who has specialized in a language for a number of years: it contains a great deal of information in a relatively few pages. The introduction begins by ubicating the Desano people and providing a very brief set of ethnographic comments. They live on the Vaupés river in Colombia, are patrilineal, and have a sex gendered language. There is some uxorilocal residence, though they don’t estimate its frequency.