Citations:who knows

English citations of who knows

  • 2004— From a Renaissance architect to the invention of a cathode ray tube to whatever the future holds, if technology is a one-way street, one thing is certain: Engineers will never return to pen and paper production. Other than that, who knows? — Jean Thilmany, Turn on the Light, Mechanical Engineering Design (Supplement to Mechanical Engineering Magazine), Page 11
  • 2021 August 16, “Exploring the SCP Foundation: SCP-6002 - All Creatures Great and Small” (19:06 from the start), in The Exploring Series[1], archived from the original on 10 January 2023:
    In April of 2009, however, the disease was found to suddenly no longer be appearing in newly-hatched chickens, and, upon review, it was discovered that Dr. Wildcat had modified 6002 without authorization, removing the disease from the genome. She's detained and questioned by Muller, and, even though she tries to lie that she didn't do anything, they have footage of her ascending the tree on her own. Muller tells her that she can't just take it upon herself to decide what's best, as who knows what would've happened if she had made a mistake. She proceeds to cuss him out, and he gives her a choice, telling her that if she apologizes now, he'll put in a good word for her with the O5 Council, which might spare her. She's silent for a moment, but does end up apologizing.