English citations of yt


  • 2016 August, Barnard/Columbia Disorientation Guide, page 43:
    when a group of yt ppl openly sing the n-word bc "it's in the lyrics".... It's not the place to be for some people.
  • 2017 Spring, Tess Griffin, When life gives you lemons, bleach your skin, in Growl (Hofstra English Society & Campus Feminist Collective), issue 1:
    People of color aspire to be light skinned and yt people aspire to be tan. It is only aesthetically pleasing for yt people to be brown.
  • 2018, Brontë Velez ('16), the sovereignty of quiet, in Ebony Axis:
    (white supposed to reflect all light that enters it
    all these reflections and they still can't see theyselves?! so, i don't say shit to these yt ppl
    no more)
  • 2018 April 27, Wait, Where Are You From Again? A Dip in Cracker Lake: POC and their Hook-Ups with yt People, in Grape
  • 2023 January 26, @oddeyepiper, Twitter[1]:
    who is that yt woman on the left