Clinton News Network





Blend of Clinton +‎ Cable News Network. In reference to allegations that the network's coverage is biased in favor of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Although the term was initially coined during Bill Clinton's presidency, it later experienced a surge in popularity during Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

Proper noun


the Clinton News Network

  1. (derogatory) CNN.
    • 1998 March 19, Reina 616, “Clinton News Network vs. Fox”, in alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-02:
      The new head of CNN's news division is a well-known Clinton supporter according to Vanity Fair, hence the term "Clinton News Network."
    • 2000 April 1, Red Herring, “ROTFL: Clinton News Network Lost 31% of Viewers in One Year”, in alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-02:
    • 2001 April 5, A real American, “Clinton News Network hammered yet again by Fox News”, in alt.politics.liberalism[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-02:
    • 2004 February 18, Jim Dandy, “MSNBC, the New Clinton News Network?”, in[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-02:
      Kaplan saw to it that CNN gave softball coverage to the Clintons and threw hardballs at their enemies. Under his watch, CNN came to be known as the Clinton News Network for its pro-Bill&Hill bias.
    • 2016 November 16, AlleyCat, “Could Trump be the First Mole impeached on the day he is inaugurated?”, in[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-02:
      Since Fat Ass Matt Sticks His Head Up His OWN Ass And Ignores What The New York Times and The Clinton News Network Writes While Posting More Lies... We'll Just Keep Posting This (see below making Matt look stupider than he already appears to be)