Middle English


Proper noun



  1. Alternative form of Constantinople
    • ?a1425, Mandev.(2) (Eg 1982), 5/5 and 10/26:
      At Constantynople es þe spounge and þe rede of whilk þe Iewes gafe oure Lord to drynke. [] Þe emperour of Constantynople [] giffes all þe digniteez of haly kirk in þat cuntree, and he pryues þaim þat him think vnworthy.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • (?a1439), Lydg.FP (Bod 263), section 9.604:
      To Constantynople he hasted hym [] Be Cecile the weie was almost [?read: most] meete.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • c1450, Alph.Tales (Add 25719), 262/27, 291/5, and 458/6:
      Þis lettre he garte hafe privalie vnto Constantynople & caste it in þe Emperours pales. [] He delyverd þe Holie Lande oute of Saracens handis, and come fro thens-ward be Constantynople. [] Hym happend for to dye at Constantynople, & [] when þai wold hafe opynd hym & sesond hym with spycis at he myght hafe bene carid [read: curid], he rase vpp & was whikk.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)