Meta:Help:Category authors and history

  • 09:13, 15 January 2006 User: (→Sort key - wfy variable)
  • 15:54, 2 January 2006 User:Patrick (→Categorizing templates themselves - and conversely: whether one wants easy access to the category page from the template talk page or from the template page.)
  • 15:49, 2 January 2006 User:Patrick (→Categorizing templates themselves - Which is more convenient depends on whether one wants, from the category page, easy access to the talk page or to the template page.)
  • 15:47, 2 January 2006 User:Patrick (→Categorizing templates themselves - noinclude)
  • 15:32, 2 January 2006 User:SCriBu m (→Categorizing templates themselves)
  • 11:31, 24 December 2005 User:H dk (→Subcategories - Explanation for new users)
  • 15:54, 22 December 2005 User: (→Category page)
  • 16:22, 5 December 2005 User: (→Subcategories)
  • 16:22, 5 December 2005 User: (→Subcategories)
  • 06:30, 3 December 2005 User: (→Moving a category page)
  • 01:41, 29 November 2005 User:Patrick (→Subcategories - clarify)
  • 20:19, 28 November 2005 User: (→Subcategories)
  • 20:17, 28 November 2005 User: (→Subcategories)
  • 03:48, 25 November 2005 User:Uncle G (Fixed capitalization of template name.)
  • 16:49, 19 November 2005 User:M7 m (Revert)
  • 14:51, 19 November 2005 User:
  • 17:02, 17 November 2005 User:Uncle G (Fixed hyperlinks that break when this page is copied to other projects)
  • 11:19, 17 November 2005 User:
  • 11:16, 17 November 2005 User: (→A category name depending on a template or parameter)
  • 11:14, 17 November 2005 User: (→A category name depending on a template or parameter)
  • 11:13, 17 November 2005 User: (→A category name depending on a template or parameter)
  • 06:14, 16 November 2005 User:Uncle G (Fixed hyperlinks that break when this page is copied to other projects.)
  • 05:28, 16 November 2005 User:Uncle G (Replacement of {{new}} with {{H:new}})
  • 02:16, 3 November 2005 User:Blackcap (+moving a category page (semi copied from Help:Moving a page))
  • 08:56, 19 October 2005 User:Who m (rv edits by to prev ver; test)
  • 08:18, 19 October 2005 User: (→here it is for this site)
  • 10:14, 24 September 2005 User: (→Putting an item in a category)
  • 15:32, 23 September 2005 User:Patrick (→Category flattening - option)
  • 21:33, 22 September 2005 User: (→Category flattening)
  • 11:14, 11 September 2005 User:Juzeris m (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - spelling (if > it))
  • 15:07, 9 September 2005 User:BartVB m (Fixed link to 'templates')
  • 11:55, 17 July 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories - *{{timc|A-Z}} (see the Talk page for other versions))
  • 13:43, 27 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Comparison with "What links here" - update)
  • 08:45, 20 June 2005 User:Fleminra m (→A category tag in a template; caching problem - link fix)
  • 01:54, 17 June 2005 User:
  • 01:53, 17 June 2005 User:
  • 09:52, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick m (→Usage - See also w:en:Wikipedia:Categorization and its talk page.)
  • 09:51, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Usage -This would imply that categories form a directed acyclic graph.)
  • 09:48, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Usage)
  • 09:43, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Usage)
  • 09:08, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Usage - the seemingly wrong arrangement with the info about animals supposedly being a subset of the info about humans represents the fact that humans study animals.)
  • 08:58, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick m (→Usage)
  • 08:57, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Usage - directly or indirectly)
  • 08:53, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick m (→Usage)
  • 08:47, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Usage - In this case the cycle is due to a shift from the object of study, through the activity of studying, to the being doings the study.)
  • 08:40, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Usage - cycle Humans->Apes->Primates->Mammals->Animals->Tree of life->)
  • 08:38, 16 June 2005 User:Patrick ("Is a member of" can be any binary relation over the set of all pages and the set of categories, but usually is applied with A is a member of category B meaning that the set o)
  • 22:45, 10 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Categorizing templates themselves)
  • 22:36, 10 June 2005 User:Patrick (To categorize templates themselves, without the pages that call them, one could consider putting the category tag in the talk page of the template.)
  • 10:49, 8 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Multiple tags for adding a page to a category)
  • 10:47, 8 June 2005 User:Patrick m (→Multiple tags for adding a page to a category)
  • 10:46, 8 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Multiple tags for adding a page to a category)
  • 10:31, 8 June 2005 User:Patrick (Multiple tags for adding a page to a category do not cause multiple listing in the category page, not even if different sortkeys have been specified: only the last sortkey is effective.)
  • 22:11, 7 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Grouping of pages by using sortkeys)
  • 22:08, 7 June 2005 User:Patrick (Alternatively "scientist" can have e.g. code K (to be explained in the editable part of the category page) and the sortkey "K Einstein, Albert" is used.)
  • 22:03, 7 June 2005 User:Patrick (If e.g. in a list of people sortkeys like "scientist Einstein, Albert" are used then all scientists are listed together under the "s". Unfortunately no separate heading "scientist(s)" is possible.)
  • 21:48, 7 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys)
  • 21:36, 7 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page - The first and second list each have a header for each first character, dispensed with if there are no entries for a header.)
  • 01:33, 5 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories)
  • 01:29, 5 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories)
  • 01:21, 5 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - {{Help:Alphabetic order}})
  • 16:14, 3 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories - mv bit up)
  • 16:13, 3 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - mv bit up)
  • 16:06, 3 June 2005 User:Patrick m (→Large categories)
  • 16:05, 3 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories)
  • 16:02, 3 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories)
  • 15:57, 3 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories)
  • 15:51, 3 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories - Months may be sorted chronologically by sortkeys in a format like 2005-6, and similarly for days.)
  • 15:49, 3 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories - Numbers may be sorted in ascending order (as opposed to alphabetical, with 10 between 1 and 2) by using sort keys with leading zeros: 01, 02, which come before 10.)
  • 13:06, 3 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories - See also collating.)
  • 23:36, 2 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys -Special:Allpages/Zu)
  • 23:17, 2 June 2005 User:Patrick (If É in the TOC is between E and F but no sort keys are used, it is confusing that when following the link Z, at the end there are pages starting with É.)
  • 23:13, 2 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories - If foreign or otherwise special characters occur, make clear in the TOC where they are positioned. For example É could be positioned:)
  • 15:50, 2 June 2005 User:Patrick (A category TOC with such links can be useful. If foreign or otherwise special characters occur, make clear in the TOC whether e.g. É is at E (due to a sortkey) or after Z.)
  • 15:42, 2 June 2005 User:Patrick (A sort key in a category tag in a template applies to the template as well as to the pages that use it, so it is only useful if it is variable. It can depend on a variable (notably PAGENAME), paramete)
  • 15:35, 2 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - Note that e.g. Ä comes after Z, unless a sort key is used, see e.g. de:Special:Allpages/Zz.)
  • 15:10, 2 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories -
  • 06:56, 2 June 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page -{{new|the namespace prefix is no longer shown.}} (is this a bug or a feature?))
  • 12:24, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Comparison with "What links here")
  • 12:19, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Comparison with "What links here")
  • 12:13, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (Alternatively a template (either a dummy one, specially for this purpose, or one with contents) can function as a supercategory, used in connection with backlinks. In that case:)
  • 11:48, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Comparison with "What links here")
  • 11:42, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (→A category name depending on a template or parameter - update)
  • 11:31, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Pollution of categories)
  • 11:30, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Comparison with "What links here")
  • 11:19, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Comparison with "What links here")
  • 11:16, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Comparison with "What links here")
  • 11:00, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Comparison with "What links here")
  • 10:55, 27 May 2005 User:Patrick m (→Relation with "What links here")
  • 00:21, 26 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Work-around for categorization -rm talk)
  • 21:22, 25 May 2005 User: (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys)
  • 13:09, 21 May 2005 User:Patrick (Links could be put specially for use with "What links here", as an alternative category system, even to non-existing pages, e.g. Altcat:Help 1, see Special:Whatlinkshere/Altcat:Help 1. Putting)
  • 13:05, 21 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Relation with "What links here")
  • 12:56, 21 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Relation with "What links here")
  • 12:53, 21 May 2005 User:Patrick (→Relation with "What links here")
  • 21:49, 7 May 2005 User:Patrick (as opposed to Special:Allpages for the Category namespace (on Meta: []), which does not include the latter)
  • 22:00, 29 April 2005 User: (→Pollution of categories)
  • 23:52, 24 April 2005 User:Patrick (→Existing categories - Navigation is by number in alphabetic order, not by starting letter. For projects with thousands of categories this is cumbersome.)
  • 23:47, 24 April 2005 User:Patrick (→Existing categories - rm dup)
  • 23:45, 24 April 2005 User:Patrick (Even with preview this does not show the pages etc. in the category; use Cancel or, better, add a supercategory and/or other text, and save, to see the pages in the category.)
  • 23:42, 24 April 2005 User:Patrick (→Existing categories - Even with preview this does not show the pages etc. in the category.)
  • 23:28, 24 April 2005 User:Patrick m (→Editing)
  • 23:27, 24 April 2005 User:Patrick (The preview of the edit page of a category only shows the editable part, not the list pages in the category, etc.)
  • 17:38, 20 April 2005 User:AnyFile (h:f)
  • 17:36, 20 April 2005 User:AnyFile
  • 20:51, 19 April 2005 User:Patrick m (→See also)
  • 15:05, 19 April 2005 User:Patrick (→See also -make general (Project) or put in template H:)
  • 09:08, 18 April 2005 User:Patrick ({{Category}}, see Help talk:International help page footer overview)
  • 17:59, 12 April 2005 User: (→How categories are implemented)
  • 06:59, 11 April 2005 User:Patrick (A category typically has an editable part, containing at least a category tag of a supercategory, see below; if it does not, the link to the category page is treated as a link to a non-existing page)
  • 23:00, 26 March 2005 User:Jeffq m (→Subcategories - Rephrasing.)
  • 22:28, 26 March 2005 User:Jeffq m (→Putting an item in a category - Rephrased a bit.)
  • 22:11, 26 March 2005 User:Jeffq m (→Linking to a category - Grammar tweak.)
  • 00:32, 26 March 2005 User:Patrick (→See also)
  • 11:27, 23 March 2005 User:Patrick (Unfortunately there is no similar way to detect a deletion from a category.)
  • 11:22, 23 March 2005 User:Patrick (Addition of pages through addition to the category of a template is seen indirectly: one can see the change in the template, and then check which pages call the template. This even shows pages which)
  • 11:17, 23 March 2005 User:Patrick (→Applying "What links here" and "Related Changes" to a category)
  • 11:14, 23 March 2005 User:Patrick ((according to the current category page, so excluding the pages that have bee potentially added and including those that have potentially been removed as explained above))
  • 11:01, 23 March 2005 User:Patrick (With "Related Changes" one can find pages which are newly in a category due to addition of a category tag or the tag of a template that is in the category.)
  • 19:24, 18 March 2005 User: (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys -Asterisk)
  • 23:04, 8 March 2005 User:Patrick m
  • 23:02, 8 March 2005 User:Patrick (A '''category''' is a software feature of MediaWiki. To avoid confusion with the general term ''category'', it may sometimes be useful to use the term MediaWiki category.)
  • 09:48, 28 February 2005 User:Patrick (→See also -*w:Wikipedia:Category schemes)
  • 15:35, 25 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Large categories)
  • 15:33, 25 February 2005 User:Patrick (Not more than 500 pages are shown in "What links here", there is no "next 500" link or "offset" parameter. Categories can be larger (see also below).)
  • 12:10, 24 February 2005 User:Patrick (A sort key in a category tag in a template applies to the template as well as to the pages that use it, so it does not prevent listing of the template between the rest, and may even make the order ran)
  • 16:14, 21 February 2005 User:Patrick (There has been some discussion about implementing category flattening. This means, that optionally a category page also displays articles in its subcategories, sub-subcategories, etc. See [[m:Category)
  • 14:52, 21 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Alternatives for overviews - (including that the fourth section shows the file sizes))
  • 14:47, 21 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page - Also the file size is shown.)
  • 14:33, 21 February 2005 User:Patrick (/*items occur twice, but structured differently, with different info; when creating/uploading new items, they can be put in the category first, which is a convenient intermediate stage for updating th)
  • 14:23, 21 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Alternatives for overviews - Other kinds of overview can be split more easily.)
  • 14:11, 21 February 2005 User:Patrick (If a category is growing too large, it is cumbersome to split. When new items need to be added, and they are on a subtopic about which there is still little in the category, this is a good occasion to)
  • 14:15, 19 February 2005 User:Patrick (Anyway, a category has the double functionality of allowing extension of the overviews both from the overview page and from the member pages. This convenience makes it easier to build and maintain a c)
  • 23:08, 18 February 2005 User:Patrick (In e.g. w:Category:Denmark, the sort key of a page consists of the keywords, without "Danish" or "of Denmark", "in Denmark", etc.)
  • 23:23, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (→See also)
  • 23:22, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories - To have all subcategories (up to 200) on the first page, use a suitable sort key in each, e.g. by putting a space in front of the name.)
  • 16:50, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page)
  • 16:42, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page)
  • 16:40, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page)
  • 16:04, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - An explanation of the sort key system used can be useful on the editable part of a category page.)
  • 16:00, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (The system should either be consistently applied to all members of a category, or be such that the listings members on which it is applied fit in well within the list of members for which no sort key)
  • 15:46, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (However, the category namespace is an exception: the default sort key is without prefix, to avoid listing all subcategories by default under the C.)
  • 15:16, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Sort key of images)
  • 15:13, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (As seen from the ASCII sequence above, forcing items to the beginning or end can be done with a sort key starting with a space or ~, respectively.)
  • 15:09, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (Thus a list of images may show a sequence A-I, A-Z, I-Z. One may choose to fix the first and third sequence by adding the prefix to the sort keys, or the second sequence, by putting sort keys without)
  • 15:00, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys)
  • 14:59, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (The system should either be applied to all members of a category (and be consistent), or be such that it fits in well with members for which no sort key is used. See also below.)
  • 14:36, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Sort key of images)
  • 14:33, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (Images without sort key are alphabetized according the full name, including namespace prefix "Image:". Therefore, for images for which a sort key is used, the prefix should also be included, otherwise)
  • 08:34, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Alternatives for overviews)
  • 08:32, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page)
  • 08:29, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page - (this section has no header and visually seems to fall under the header of the previous section "Articles in category ...").)
  • 08:24, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Labels in the list of images)
  • 08:20, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (The first gives control on structure and lay-out. For example, in the editable part of commons:Category:William-Adolphe Bouguereau the name of the painter does not have to be repeated, and the ful)
  • 08:11, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (Thus, looking up a name in the alphabetic list is cumbersome. It might have been better to start the names with the shorter "Bouguereau, " and then the title of the painting (unless the software will)
  • 08:00, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (The full names are only shown in the hover box and the status bar, depending on the browser; in the latter possibly with codes such as "%28" for "(".)
  • 07:46, 17 February 2005 User:Patrick (As mentioned above, the first 20 characters of the image name are shown, with dots if that is not the full name. This can be inconvenient, e.g. in commons:Category:William-Adolphe Bouguereau most)
  • 15:35, 16 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - Also, a piped link influences the rendering of the page itself, while a sort key affects the rendering of another page.)
  • 15:30, 16 February 2005 User:Patrick (Although this is like the syntax for a piped link (and in an edit summary it is interpreted like one), there is a clear difference: the second term in the piped link is an alterna)
  • 15:24, 16 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys)
  • 11:29, 16 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - To get the order right, be consistent in punctuation and spacing. For example, "A Z" with two blank spaces comes before "A A" with one.)
  • 11:06, 16 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - with a blank space in front of this sequence.)
  • 11:03, 16 February 2005 User:Patrick (note that any additions such as "Jr." should come at the end, otherwise the entry would come before the same without the addition, because a space comes before a comma.)
  • 09:37, 16 February 2005 User:Patrick (However, an underscore in a sort key is distinct from a blank space.)
  • 09:35, 16 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - rm 2nd sort key: "A, b" comes after "A b" /An underscore in a page name is equivalent with, and treated as a blank space. However, an underscore in a sort)
  • 15:07, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Applying "What links here" and "Related Changes" to a category)
  • 15:00, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (Related Changes is applied to a page that calls the category as a template: <nowiki>{{:Category:</nowiki>''Category name''}}. However, this page will then listed in the supercategory pages.)
  • 13:17, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→How categories are implemented)
  • 13:08, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Applying "What links here" and "Related Changes" to a category)
  • 13:04, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (The category tags (which have to effect on Related Changes anyway) can better be kept out of the template, because on the pages of these supercategories it would be listed under the articles in those)
  • 12:49, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (It does ''not'' show the changes in pages linked from the editable parts of the category. As a workaround, the editable part can be put in a template.)
  • 12:25, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Applying "What links here" and "Related Changes" to a category)
  • 11:31, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Alternatives for overviews)
  • 11:20, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Alternatives for overview - misc)
  • 11:03, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Putting an item in a category)
  • 11:01, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Putting an item in a category - As opposed to the automatic ordering of lists in category pages (see below), the list of categories a page is in is simply in the order of the tags.)
  • 10:55, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (correction: The sort key is case sensitive, so a page with the tag <nowiki></nowiki>Zealand is sorted before one with the tag <nowiki>[[Category:</nowiki>''Foo''<)
  • 10:51, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (If no sort key is specified, the canonical form of the page name applies. Hence in most projects <nowiki>Category:</nowiki>Zealand is sorted after <nowiki>Category:</nowiki>amsterdam. However,)
  • 10:41, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - However, "R&D, images" comes before "R, symbol", although R&D comes after R.)
  • 10:32, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys)
  • 10:25, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (Since only a few special characters (!"#$%&'()*+) come before a comma, and a blank space is treated as an underscore, which comes after the comma, it is almost as if "Einstein" is used as the 1st sort)
  • 04:20, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Alternatives for overview)
  • 04:19, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Alternatives for overview - A mixed system can also be used, either having the same twice, but structured differently, or applied complementary, avoiding duplications.)
  • 04:17, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Alternatives for overview)
  • 04:14, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Alternatives for overview)
  • 04:05, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (mv)
  • 04:02, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (An overview of links to pages and of images by means of thumbnails, can be put in the editable part of a category, just like in any page, or be generated in the third and fourth part of the category)
  • 03:55, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Putting an item in a category - Putting an image in a category is equivalent with putting the image page in it.)
  • 03:52, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Subcategories)
  • 03:52, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Subcategories - If the page that is put in a category is a category page itself, it becomes themselves it becomes a subcategory.)
  • 03:49, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick
  • 03:41, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Linking to a category)
  • 03:40, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Putting an item in a category)
  • 03:40, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (→How to add a category, and include a page in a category)
  • 03:29, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Order of the lists; setting sort keys - The displayed name is not changed. The sort key system should be obvious, otherwise the order seems random and items are hard to find.)
  • 03:22, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (If you want an item in a list to be positioned in that order, based on an alternative name (sort key) for that item, then this can be specified in the category tag that places the item in the list: <n)
  • 03:16, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (== Order of the lists; setting sort keys ==)
  • 02:59, 15 February 2005 User:Patrick (On Meta and Wikipedia a redirect to a category shows the editable text only. To get the full page after being redirected, use the link "Image", or "Category", respectively.)
  • 14:01, 14 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page - the first 20 characters of the image name are shown, with dots if that is not the full name.)
  • 10:10, 14 February 2005 User:Patrick (page)
  • 01:12, 11 February 2005 User:Patrick (→A category tag in a template; caching problem - null edit)
  • 00:33, 11 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→A category tag in a template; caching problem)
  • 00:32, 11 February 2005 User:Patrick (To refresh category pages with respect to the listing a particular page (adding or deleting the entry), the lesser kind of dummy edit can be applied to that page: just applying section edit and saving)
  • 22:53, 10 February 2005 User:Patrick (→A category tag in a template; caching problem - rm purge, does not seem to work)
  • 01:13, 8 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories - See also w:Template:CompactCatTOC.)
  • 11:39, 7 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page - To get the full page after being redirected, use the link "Category".)
  • 11:25, 7 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Category page - BUG: A redirect to a category shows the editable text only!)
  • 10:18, 6 February 2005 User:Patrick (→See also - *commons:Commons:Images on normal pages or categories:Vote)
  • 21:08, 5 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories - The editable part of the page is repeated on each of the set of pages.)
  • 21:04, 5 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Large categories -Examples of large categories:)
  • 20:58, 5 February 2005 User:Patrick (A page with e.g. the name range Leiden-Rotterdam shows the subcategories, articles and images in that range. Somewhat confusingly, the subcategory count and article count apply to that name range.)
  • 20:29, 5 February 2005 User:Patrick m (→Category page)
  • 20:28, 5 February 2005 User:Patrick (→Existing categories - ==Category page==)
  • 00:42, 5 February 2005 User:Patrick (If a category is large, there are multiple pages. A page with e.g. the articles in the name range Leiden-Rotterdam also shows the subcategories in that range. A message like "There is 1 subcategory to)
  • 23:07, 4 February 2005 User:Patrick (To start the list at a given name, use a URL like
  • 23:49, 1 February 2005 User:Patrick (→See also - For pecularities of large categories, see e.g. w:Category:American actors.)
  • 07:34, 28 January 2005 User:YebisYa (→See also - parameter "langs" in template "hc")
  • 07:20, 27 January 2005 User:YebisYa m (template "hi" -> "hh" and "langs" specified in template "hc")
  • 22:29, 18 January 2005 User: ("case-sensitive" and "case-insensitive" were used backwards; swapped them.)
  • 17:29, 6 January 2005 User: (→How to add a category, and include a page in a category)
  • 16:32, 26 December 2004 User:YebisYa m (→Setting sort keys - The sort key is made independent of the category name. See w:en:Wikipedia:Categorization#Categories requirements and usage)
  • 18:23, 25 December 2004 User:YebisYa (→Conventions and project-specific settings - see)
  • 18:03, 25 December 2004 User: (→Setting sort keys - makes the second sort key relevant to the context.)
  • 00:02, 20 December 2004 User:Patrick (not the changes in the corresponding talk pages)
  • 23:31, 19 December 2004 User:Patrick (From 1.4: For a category, the "Related Changes" feature gives the changes in the pages in the category and the changes in the editable parts of the pages of its subcategories, but not the changes in)
  • 11:57, 19 December 2004 User:Patrick (→Applying "What links here" and "Related Changes" to a category - For the "Related Changes" feature, also the links to the pages in the category count, from 1.4.)
  • 05:43, 16 December 2004 User: (Remove SPAM)
  • 02:39, 16 December 2004 User: (→How to add a category, and include a page in a category)
  • 02:14, 16 December 2004 User: (→See also - Corrected typeo)
  • 03:01, 4 December 2004 User:Patrick (Linking from a test page, user page, etc. to a category is considered to pollute the category. This restricts the freedom to copy text to a test page or user page:)
  • 22:50, 17 November 2004 User:Eloquence m (this isn't mediawiki stuff, it's meta stuff)
  • 22:49, 17 November 2004 User:Eloquence m
  • 19:31, 14 November 2004 User:Paddu m (→here it is for this site - make the rest of the text continue below the category note)
  • 18:01, 8 November 2004 User: (→Setting sort keys)
  • 09:51, 6 November 2004 User:Patrick (In order to update a page in such cases, use "action=purge", in a URL like {{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAMEE}}|action=purge}})
  • 22:38, 26 October 2004 User:Dcljr m (→Setting sort keys - The Bar -> The Foobar -- example is meaningless unless the categories are the same)
  • 12:10, 10 October 2004 User:Patrick m (Reverted edits by to last version by
  • 10:33, 10 October 2004 User:
  • 15:59, 28 September 2004 User: (→How to add a category, and include a page in a category - Fixing example)
  • 08:50, 23 September 2004 User:AaronPeterson (reorder and include handbook sidebar:editor toc and included short instructions on how to add a page /etc/)
  • 07:33, 23 September 2004 User:AaronPeterson m (→What categories provide - removed header so it would appear above hideable toc)
  • 11:26, 21 September 2004 User:Patrick (other sidebar: {{handbook sidebar|Editor toc}})
  • 11:03, 21 September 2004 User:Patrick (→How categories are implemented - (in fact ASCII order, see Help:Special page).)
  • 09:39, 21 September 2004 User:AaronPeterson m (sidebar)
  • 22:46, 14 September 2004 User:Dod1 m (→Setting sort keys - more explanation)
  • 18:56, 14 September 2004 User: (typo)
  • 13:01, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick m (→A category specified in a template; caching problem)
  • 12:13, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick m (→A category specified in a template; caching problem)
  • 12:12, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick (→A category specified in a template; caching problem - rephrase)
  • 11:55, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick (→A category specified in a template - some extra explanation)
  • 11:44, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick (The page that contains the template correctly lists the categories to which it belongs. However, adding or deleting a category tag in the template does not add or delete the listings on the category p)
  • 08:53, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick (However, if the category name in the template is changed, this change does not seem to be reflected in the category listing in pages that use the template, until some edit is made in that page.)
  • 08:45, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick (misc)
  • 08:31, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick (→What categories provide)
  • 08:26, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick (→Convention)
  • 07:54, 10 September 2004 User:Patrick (→See also -Categories in this project:)
  • 17:28, 9 September 2004 User: (→Convention)
  • 04:20, 6 September 2004 User:
  • 08:44, 5 September 2004 User:Patrick m (→convention)
  • 08:43, 5 September 2004 User:Patrick m (→convention)
  • 08:41, 5 September 2004 User:Patrick (For category names the usual rules for case-sensitivity of pages apply: they are case-sensitive beyond the first characters, but in most projects the first charact)
  • 02:35, 5 September 2004 User:AaronPeterson (a bit more info on how to use/implement categories)
  • 09:00, 27 August 2004 User:Patrick (An attempt to specify a category name depending on a template or parameter does not work and gives odd results, see Template:Cat and Template talk:Cat.)
  • 08:19, 27 August 2004 User:Patrick (If a template contains the code indicating that it is in a category, this does not only put that template in the category, but also the pages that include the template. For example, this page includes)
  • 05:38, 24 August 2004 User:Patrick m (→See also)
  • 01:03, 23 August 2004 User: ('Sub' is a well-used prefix.)
  • 14:16, 16 August 2004 User:Patrick (For the "What links here" and "Related Changes" features, only the links in the editable part of the page count, not the links to the pages in the category.)
  • 14:11, 16 August 2004 User:Patrick (restore bit)
  • 09:56, 15 August 2004 User:Dcljr (+ more info; chg ref to software: "WikiMedia" -> "MediaWiki")
  • 08:36, 15 August 2004 User:Dcljr (rewrote and wikified)
  • 19:46, 4 August 2004 User:Sj m (→Existing categories)
  • 08:24, 27 July 2004 User:Patrick m
  • 05:26, 27 July 2004 User:
  • 11:02, 25 July 2004 User:Patrick m (→Relation with "What links here")
  • 11:01, 25 July 2004 User:Patrick (Category listings are alphabetical, for "What links here" this typically applies for the first part, for what was already linking at the time of the last rebuilding of the link tables in the database.)
  • 21:47, 11 July 2004 User:Spencer195 m (→Sub-categories - Update - categories should be in the plural)
  • 08:23, 21 June 2004 User:Patrick (alphabetical)
  • 10:01, 13 June 2004 User:Patrick m (→Relation with "What links here")
  • 09:58, 13 June 2004 User:Patrick (A category is somewhat like a "What links here" page with regard to the special Category links.)
  • 09:18, 13 June 2004 User:Patrick (rearrange a bit)
  • 09:08, 13 June 2004 User:Patrick (→Miscellaneous - The categories to which a page belongs are displayed in a fixed place, depending on the skin (the bottom for Monobook, the upper right corner for Standard),)
  • 09:01, 13 June 2004 User:Patrick (copied bits from en:Wikipedia:Category)
  • 06:58, 13 June 2004 User: (Where to add the link)
  • 05:46, 6 June 2004 User:Zigger m (→Setting sort keys - typo - "else"->"other".)
  • 01:02, 2 June 2004 User:D2 m (→Setting sort keys - fmt)
  • 01:00, 2 June 2004 User:D2 m (→Setting sort keys - initial case sensitive)
  • 12:09, 31 May 2004 User:Patrick (en:Wikipedia:Category)
  • 12:03, 31 May 2004 User:Patrick (→Viewing a list of categories - for Wikipedia en:Special:Categories.)
  • 11:54, 31 May 2004 User:Patrick m (→Setting sort keys)
  • 11:48, 31 May 2004 User:Patrick m
  • 07:22, 31 May 2004 User:Tobin Richard (Sub-categories)
  • 14:04, 27 May 2004 User: (→Linking to a category)
  • 21:01, 25 May 2004 User:
  • 07:50, 24 May 2004 User:Tobin Richard (added some examples, needs work.)
  • 07:42, 24 May 2004 User:Tobin Richard (a start)