See also: kadena





Blend of Kat +‎ Adena.

Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) The ship of characters Kat Edison and Adena El-Amin from the television series The Bold Type.
    • 2017, Melissa Lee, “The Bold Type Big Buzz”, in F-Yeah[1], volume 1, page 5:
      Even so, the show succeeds in establishing the Kadena connection with heartfelt love and deep respect.
    • 2020, Jessica Doble, "Reading Fandom: Fandom as Reception and Creative Authority", dissertation submitted to the University of Lousiana at Lafayette, page 231:
      During the first two seasons while the Kadena relationship develops onscreen, the pair dominated fanfiction writing.
    • 2021 July, Roxy Bourdillon, “Get The Look: The Bold Type”, in Diva, page 22:
      While the show has had issues when it comes to diversity [] , Kadena never fails to make our gay hearts happy.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Kadena.