



Mexicane (plural Mexicanes)

  1. Obsolete spelling of Mexican.
    • 1640, John Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, page 1657:
      There are sundry sorts of trees growing both in the East and West Indies (although none of the Nations of the West Indians, except the Mexicanes known any [use of writing, or Letters] before the Spaniards first entrance among them, [] Dures also among his admirable plants remembreth the Melt [] of the Mexicanes, or rather Metl []
    • 1880, José de Acosta, The Natural & Moral History of the Indies, page 411:
      But at the West Indies they have onely found two Kingdomes or setled Empires, that of the Mexicanes in New Spaine, and of the Yncas in Peru. It is not easie to be said which of the two was the mightiest Kingdome, []