



From Mobius, the fictional planet such characters would inhabit in some incarnations of their universe.



Mobian (plural Mobians)

  1. (fandom slang) An anthropomorphic character from, or in the style of, characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog universe.
    • 1998 August 25, RazJMastrs, alt.fan.sonic-hedgehog[1] (Usenet):
      Now, their accents do in fact fit them well, and do represent (as someone said formerly) the fact that they're a group of Mobians from different cultural worlds..
    • 2015, Richard J. Heggen, Floating Islands: an Activity Book, published 2021, page 172:
      "Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble" (1995) has manifestations in both a comic book trilogy and as a video game. We'll simply make note of the saga's floating islands. “Panic in the Sky” starts off with a group of happy Mobians playing volleyball until interrupted by a shadow.
    • 2023 February 4, Dexter Adams, “9 Pokemon That Look Like Sonic Characters”, in TheGamer[2]:
      Both [the Pokemon and Sonic franchises] are home to a wide variety of creatures capable of feats of great strength and speed and elemental manipulation. The only difference is that those from the Sonic universe, also known as Mobians, can speak.