
Generates reference links for, a collection of mostly German-language related dictionaries hosted by the Trier Center for Digital Humanities. Used by {{R:Wörterbuchnetz}}, {{R:Grimm}}.

-- Generates reference links for, 
-- a collection of mostly German-language related dictionaries hosted by the
-- Trier Center for Digital Humanities (
-- Based on Module:R:Grimm by JohnC5
local export = {}
local dictionaries = {
	Adelung = {
		title = "Grammatisch-Kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart (Ausgabe letzter Hand, Leipzig 1793–1801)"	
	BMZ = {
		title = "Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch von Benecke, Müller, Zarncke"	
	DWB = {
		title = "''[[w:Deutsches Wörterbuch|Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm]]'', 16 vols., Leipzig 1854–1961."
	DWB2 = {
		title = "''[[w:Deutsches Wörterbuch|Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm]]'', Neubearbeitung (A–F)."
	ElsWB = {
		title = "Wörterbuch der elsässischen Mundarten"
    FindeB = {
    	title = "Findebuch zum mittelhochdeutschen Wortschatz"	
    GWB = {
    	title = "Goethe-Wörterbuch"	
    Hederich = {
    	title = "Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon von Benjamin Hederich (1770)"	
    Herder = {
    	title = "Herders Conversations-Lexikon (1. Auflage, 1854–1857)"	
    Lexer = {
    	title = "Mittelhochdeutsches Handwörterbuch von Matthias Lexer"	
    LmL = {
    	title = "Lexicon musicum Latinum medii aevi"	
    LothWB = {
    	title = "Wörterbuch der deutsch-lothringischen Mundarten"	
    MLW = {
    	title = "Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch"	
    Meyers = {
    	title = "Meyers Großes Konversationslexikon (6. Auflage, 1905–1909)"
	PfWB = {
		title = "Pfälzisches Wörterbuch"
    RhWB = {
    	title = "Rheinisches Wörterbuch"	
    RhWBN = {
    	title = "Nachträge zum Rheinischen Wörterbuch"	
    UWB = {
    	title = "Uigurisches Wörterbuch"	
    WWB = {
    	title = "Westfälisches Wörterbuch"	
    Wander = {
    	title = "Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexicon von Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Wander"	

local encoding_table = { 
	['ä']='ae', ['ö']='oe', ['ü']='ue',
	['Ä']='Ae', ['Ö']='Oe', ['Ü']='Ue',
    ['ß']='sz', ['-']='_'             

	local module_parameters = require("Module:parameters")
	-- templates can specify a default dictionary to be used, but make it overridable
	local frame_args = module_parameters.process(frame.args, {
		["dictionary"] = {}

	local params = {
		[1] = { alias_of = "url_code" },
		[2] = { alias_of = "headword" },
		["url_code"] = { },
		["headword"] = { default = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text },
		["dictionary"] = {},
		["w"] = { alias_of = "headword" }
	local args = module_parameters.process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local dictionary = args['dictionary'] or frame_args['dictionary']
	if not dictionary then
		error('The parameter "dictionary" is required')
	local dictionary_data = dictionaries[dictionary]
	if not dictionary_data then
		error("Unknown dictionary "..dictionary)
	local headword = args.headword
	local url_code = args.url_code or mw.ustring.gsub(headword,'[äöüÄÖÜß-]', encoding_table)
	local dictionary_title = dictionary_data.title

	local url = ""..dictionary.."&lemma="..url_code
	local linked_headword = "[" .. url .. " " ..headword.."]"
	return '“' .. linked_headword .. '”' .. ' in ' .. dictionary_title
return export